We have to think both new and traditional when we test our idea of a pirate-free world. In order for us to be able to alert the authorities and ships about possible pirates at an early stage, we have to use tools that are already in place in addition to some new ones.
We think that Teams is a perfect channel to get notifications about newly discovered pirate ships, since it’s something we already have. We have created a Teams app that gives us notifications in a Teams channel. Here we have the opportunity to send detailed alerts on situations that arise and at the same time link to our PoS surface for a total overview.
The PoS surface is made in React.js, and the app is built with Vite instead of create-react-app as this is a much faster way to build. New and hip 😉
Our customers in our pizza store seem to be bored, we have expanded our ordering-app in order to make their time fly and stuffed it with some fun and exciting features.
The first feature will display a fun fact about pizza’s and its history.The second feature will introduce the whole staff in a slide show. Greetings ninjas! The third feature will save the customer from the time-consuming task of having to read through the menu and choose that special pizza from the menu, let us decide!The fourth feature let’s our ninja customers give suggestions on what we should put on the menu next, this will ensure the curious ones to return to see if their pizza has made it to the menu. Last but not least, the customers coming in with a TMNT mask or outfit will be given a healthy discount! (made possible through AI Builder and a custom model).
For å skape en bedre applikasjon og en bedre brukeropplevelse har vi utviklet en SPA applikasjon med React og .NET Core 6. Applikasjonen lister ut matvarer som ikke er registret i kjøleskapet. Applikasjonen benytter Node.js og Bootstrap som er open source. Bootstrap er benyttet for å skape en bedre brukeropplevelse for de gir bruker mulighet til å markere det de har handlet. Backend gjør spørring mot Microsoft Dataverse og lister ut matvarer som mangler i en handleliste.
We have used several open source and hip packages in our React app. Node.js with cors and express for api requests, reactstrap (the React GUI underdog) for page layout and root design and the react-webcam package for accessing the users camera. All open source, all hip, baby!
We are making some improvements in the solution with the help of 2 technologies that we think might be considered for he Hipsters badge. They are:
Azure IoT central V3 (Preview) connector: This allows us to send commands back to the devices from IoT central. Perfect for the business flow.
Metamask plugin for login: We are working in a solution for end users where they can log in to a page and see real time data flowing into graphs and maps. One of the possible ways to login is by using Metamask as a Web 3 platform to login to an hypothetical blockchain that could work as decentralized data repository for members of ZOOs. (read more here: https://docs.metamask.io/guide/). This feature is in an experimental phase, but the POC is working good.
Since the tenant for our Demo environment is located in USA, we do get accsess to some functionality that is not yet available here at this side of the ocean. Therefore, for us how embrace the LowCode/NoCode functionality, we just love the way you can write what you want to do directly in the PowerApp with AI-powered assistance, and the suggestion for the code that should be used pops up right under it!
Enabling the portal as a progressive webapp means that users will experience it as a mobile app on their phone. It can also be packaged and uploaded to Microsoft Store and Android Google Play.
We want the end user to have a mobile app on their phone where they can see what kind of agreement they currently have, look at reports on their agreement history and see forecast on what their price will be in the future.
Identity the portal and click the element menu. Click “Edit”
This will open up Power Apps Portals Design Studio.
When it has worked a little while it’s good to go.
So “preview” that it doesn’t work..
We wanted to upload the app to Microsoft Store and Google Play so users can have it as a native app on their mobile device. This is proving difficult, and it’s apparent when working in the PWA Builder that things are not quite ready..
Munchmuseet har gleden av å introdusere vårt nye virtuelle museum. Her har vi inngått avtale med andre museer verden rundt for å kunne vise kunstverk fra deres utstilling.
På forsiden av appen finner man Virtual Tours, som tar deg til det virtuelle museet.
Trykker man på Virtual tours vil man komme inn i det virtuelle museumet. Dette gjør det mulig å opprette et samarbeid mellom ulike museer der man kan vise kunst fra andre museumer. Det gjør det også mulig for museumet å ha en inntektskilde selv om samfunnet skulle bli stengt ned igjen.
I dette rommet kan man se at det er satt ute i naturen, noe som ikke ville vært mulig i virkeligheten, ettersom maleriene ikke tåler vind og vær så godt. Her kan man også høre fuglekvitter og bølge lyder.
Muligheten for mange ulike og veldig spesialiserte utstillinger har åpnet seg. I den virkelige verden er man begrenset av plass og område + lokasjon. Med virtuelle utstillinger kan man spesialisere lyd og område, samt plassering av kunstverkene som kan skape en ny type museumopplevelse. Maleri i taket, i en mørk kjeller, i naturen? Hva med forskjellige rom med begge deler. kan åpne opp for ulikt publikum på samme tid. På den måten kan man virkelig tilpasse omgivelsene til å få frem kunsten.
Dette gir oss også mulighet til å stille ut NFT som kunstverk, noe som er i vinden i dag. Muligheten til å vise frem digital kunst som det blir produsert mer og mer av i dagens samfunn.
Det er også mulig å bruke med VR briller, kan gjøre det enda mer gøy å gå på virtuelt museum. Kanskje fremtiden vil bringe VR-briller til biblioteker og kulturhus så musumsturen kan bli en enda mer unik opplevelse for flere.
Mobile first! We make sure that our SharePoint site remains responsive, and that our own SPFx web part follows responsiveness.
SPFx on the way
We have started our SPFx project to enable more than modern has out-of-the-box. We build this by using React/NodeJS with TypeScript. Repository for the SPFx can be seen here: https://github.com/Infoworker-ACDC/InfoNinjasSPFx
Plan for the SPFx web part
It’s using underlaying data for crimes reported (cases), with crime fighting ninjas (employees) taking on the villains (problems). It’s plan to make good overview of each of these resources and map these to geolocation on maps (plan to integrate google maps to the SPFx view – that should be fun).
And this should all be wrapped into a nice design and be responsive. Then build some Power Apps and Power BI around this again.
This is a form that you can report an issue from anywhere. Its responsive, works on both desktop and mobile screens.
It could be hosted any way. It is a progressive web app build with react, node.js
Citizens can report the issue by specifing title, description, take a photo of what the see and tag a location to help the turtles resolving the issue faster.
Desktop screenMobile screenWhat is the issue with Sondre 🙂
We gonna contnuie build this to add administration functionalities and gather new batched. Update will come 🙂