(c) The Fabricator and the Silicon Valley series.

(c) Faruk The Fabricator inspired by the Silicon Valley series.
If you think a student’s story begins when they enroll at Hogwarts, you could not be more wrong.
The Fabricator is evil and does not care about privacy. The Fabricator is guileful and does not care about truth. He will do everything in his power to gather or fabricate every detail of their lives and use it to achieve his goals.
At the moment,
The Fabricator uses Fabric to access previous data of the students wishing to enroll at Hogwarts.
We call the Kaggle API within notebook code to retrieve data from Kaggle and write it as a CSV file.

Python code in another notebook is then used to transform this data and divide it into clusters.

Finally, a “Copy Data” activity moves the data to its final destination. But is this truly the end?

Follow the Fabricator for more—if you can, that is.
In the coming days, the Fabricator plans to:
- Show clustered data in Power BI reports.
- Use insights to plan interventions or recommendations for students.
- Perform behavioral predictions: Use the clusters as labels for supervised learning models to predict future performance.
- Trigger emails or alerts for specific clusters needing attention.
Data is born into Fabric, molded by it. Data does not see the light until it is ready to face users. And when it is finally presented, it is blinding.
(c) The Fabricator and The Batman.

PS: with this article we claim the following badges:
For Thieving Bastard badge, pls consider third party tool we described in another post https://acdc.blog/logicapps25/unveiling-hidden-feelings-with-the-magic-of-ai/