Bondens sensorer sender inn kontinuerlige målinger av jordfuktighet, lufttemperatur og luftfuktighet.
Dersom jordfuktigheten går over 70 eller under 5 vil en IOT Alert opprettes i Dynamics Customer Service HUB og knyttes til bonden via sensorens id.
På samme måte vil bilder bonden sender inn til ugressanalyse sendes videre som en IOT Alert til Customer Service HUB for mulig videre oppfølging av Felleskjøpets fagkonsulenter.
IOT Alertene opprettes i Dynamics ved hjelp av Logic Apps sin Common Data Service-Create Record action.
Sensordataene sendes til PowerBI via Eventhub og Stream Analytics og fagkonsultenter vil kunne bruke dashboardet til å følge med på sensormåligene ute hos bonden.
Ever wondered where your dog are when there’s no food around? How about asking Cortana, Siri, Alexa, or even better Boten Anna?
We have created an integrated solution, with CI/CD in Azure Devops, Cognitive Services, Azure Functions and Power Virtual Agent.
The solution starts with an Azure Function written in Visual Studio.
When code is completed, committed and Pull Requested into the main branch, our CICD pipeline (YML) fires and pushes the solution to Azure Functions
The Azure function is running with a set of pre-captured surveillance images (Due to GDPR we are not using live video). Each folder consists of three photos, one from the kitchen, one from the hallway and one from the livingroom.
Each of these photos will be evaluated with the cognitive service vision functionality. Each of the evaulated photos will be returned with an url for the user to check, and with a textual answer to where the dog is actually located.
The evaluated images:
With this solution we claim the following badges:
Power User Love – for usage of the Power Virtual Agent
Stairway to Heaven – For the usage of Azure Devops, Azure Functions, Cognitive Service, Azure Storage, Power Virtual Agent
Power of the shell – for the CI/CD YML publishing
The Existential Risk – for usage of AI through Cognitive Service Vision
Etter Klossmajorenes gedigne suksess med å kalle Vipps sine API-er fra Postman ( har vi nå videreført dette arbeidet til å understøtte ukepenger-prosessen i Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement
Tanken her er at barn skal kunne forespørre sine foreldre om betaling etter utførte oppgaver i hjemmet
Flyten for utbetaling av penger for oppgaver i hjemmet starter barnas PowerApp for oppgaver. Her kan de ta bilde av utført oppdrag, og forespørre sine foreldre om betaling
Når barna trykker på “Be om penger” trigges en Power Automate Cloud Flow™ “Spør mamma og pappa etter-penger flyten v2❤”
Denne flyten henter ut informasjon om oppgaven som er utført, hvilket barn som sender inn oppgaven, beløp etc.
Vi henter ut telefonnummer til den foreldren som skal gjøre utbetaling, og når de får den så får forelderen forespørsel for Vipps
Som vi kan se så har ikke Vipps noe API for å initiere person-person-betalinger, for å godta betalinger via AIP må man være registrert som en Merchant.
Så som en forutsetning for at akkurat dette skal fly hos oss vil man måtte registrere hvert enkelt barn med firmakonto hos Vipps. Dette ser vi ikke som noen hindring.
Claiming the Power User Love for the app created for the technician to follow up on his tasks post disaster. A combination of PCF component in a Model Driven app to help the tech do his jobb faster, and while he is on the move!
This of course coupled together with a few Power Automates behind the scenes to move data through the DataVerse for better user flow.
We have built a data structure in Dataverse where we are using the standard “systemuser” table to hold information about the famili members
We have added a new table “Family” which is connected to Systemuser / “Family Member” so users can be members of a family with either “Parent” og “Child” roles.
This is the first iteration of this Team, more functionality will follw
Giving tasks / chores to kids
We want a system where parents can assign daily tasks / chores to their kids. This can be “Clean your room”, “get the mail”, “take out the trash” etc
This is solved by using standard “Task” acitvities in Dataverse, and we have a Power Automate Flow that is listening to new tasks, ready to give the kid a notification on his Power App on his/hers phone, and further alerting with sound on Sonos it the kid does not respond
We haven’t built a dedicated GUI for the task assignings process yet. This would probably be a Canvas app. So far we are using the model driven app to assign tasks to kids
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