Covert Operation Center (COC)

Hello everyone. Lovely to be back to ACDC. Its gonna be awesome

Splinter, the master of the turtle ninjas, has done more than enough to teach these turtles how to fight, have the right mindset, developing the personalities.

The turtle ninjas has done it so well through the years, but they are really struggling to get things in order. Unfortunatly, There are so many issues in the world. Climate changes, Covid19, Trump Supporters, beside the supervillains like Super Shredder, Tatsu and so on. It is just exhausting.

Spliter came to InfoNinjas to save them so they can save more people. We will try solve this issue in 2 days ish. Its gonna be a challange, but we are ready. Challange accepted 🙂

InfoNinjas solution will be based on many components of Microsoft Cloud services and components. There are so many that Microsoft provide for us, but we will try to

The idea is to use as much of the following components from the image below. This could be changed during the next days, as it happening all the times 🙂


So the flow will be something like that:

So Turtles get the incidents from different sources

  • Email
  • Web
  • Internal

There will be an API layer that will be build with Azure Gateway that will integrate with third party services such as Wikipedia, Google Maps, ++. We will add some “smartness” in that layer so it will help the turtles to sort and catagorize these inciendents.

Then things will be shown in a Teams app that will show these incidents and then work with them. We will add some logic so that we could automate and make these processes more effient.

Splinter want as well to improve these processes, specially for incidents that gone really wrong. We will implement a Quality System that will handle this. Lets see how we will get this done for him 😐

Yeah. We will add some reports so it will be easier to see whats going on. Power BI is the our savor

All of that could be changed of course. Lets get started. Cowabunga!!

Middle-Age Mutable Ninja Tuples to save New York City

Middle-Age Mutable Ninja Tuples, a startup company out of Oslo, vows to make New York City a safer place for residents and visitors. Crime rate in the city is soaring, and while the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are well-armed and capable, there simply are not enough of them.

Enter Middle-Age Mutable Ninja Tuples, a group of young-at-heart developers from Norway. They aim to assist the turtles as well as would-be vigilantes through a crime reporting and dispatch system. The solution, based on Dynamics 365 Field Service, will allow residents and visitors in The Big Apple to report crimes in progress. Incoming reports are fed into Field Service for analysis and turtle dispatch, while turtles in the field receive coordinates and details on their mobile devices in real time. Moving forward, the app will also support aspiring Ninjas, allowing them to respond to events around the city in a joint effort to protect its citizens.

The technical aspects of the solution are generally confidential, but Aleksander LunĂže Waage, super-senior lead developer of MaMNT, has let slip that .NET 6, .NET MAUI, gRPC, Azure and GitHub Actions will be central components in the development process and the final product.

The development of the solution will happen in multiple stages, where working functionality is released to the public at short intervals so that citizens will be able to start calling for and receiving assistance after a single day of development. Moving forward, MaMNT will add several new functions to the app that aim to not only respond to events, but also help citizens avoid trouble when moving around the city.

The solution will provide the following features, this list is subject to frequent change.

  • Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement with the Field Service add-on for HQ operation and dispatch
  • Field Service mobile-app for TMNT in the field
  • Custom app using .NET MAUI that allows reporting of crime, emergencies and other incidents
  • Integration between the custom app and Dynamics 365, using gRPC
  • Real-time map with overlays to show turtles and event heatmaps.

Shredders Onboaring issues

Bebop & Rocksteady are coming to 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2' |

Bebop was tired. He and Rocksteady had been working their ass off for Shredder in several years without getting employed, without a good portal where they could get the info they needed and without any form of rights.  They both felt like “second-class employees”. Enough is enough! Now they planned to have a chat with Krang and make him convince Shredder.

“We are sick of this!” Rocksteady shouts when they open the office door. A little rough, but we are talking about simple souls. Krang didn’t really understand where this came from, as no one really dared to walk in on him like that. We have been working our asses of for you and shredder for many years, but now we want a contract, employment and all other rights that we are entitled to in the workerenvironmentlaw(Freely from Norwegian).

“HAHAHA!” Krangs evil laughter went through the room. “I’m not sure if you are aware of it. But Shredder doesn’t like to put in data. Period!” The system needs to be self service-only and fully automated to the point where no one on the administration in our thriving business needs to do anything”. Excel sheets is sooo 1990s.

“You mean there is no way for us to get a proper employment?” Bebop cried.

“Well, if you can come up with a good, digital solution, with features that can avoid me seeing you as much as I do today, in a system that doesn’t cost us a month worth of stealing, ill have Shredder approve it. Also – the real carrot(Freely from Norwegian) Would be if you could get the system to collect some information that made me able to track your progress in takedowns and stealing. It would actually make me able to give you some goals and maybe a bonus once in a while”. Krang told them

Bebop cried even more. But then Rocksteady said: “Hey, what about this low code stuff from Microsoft. Do you think we could try to team up with someone able to create this digital shit for us? With teaming up I mean threatening their mums or something like that of couse”. “A great idea” Bebop said.

Bebop called the Microsoft sales team in Norway and asked if they knew of anyone able to create something like this. The MS guy didn’t think much about it and provided him with the contact information to the guys in a company called “Powershredders of Axdata”. Suddenly 5 (3 due to covid) was locked up in a detention center outside oslo for a looong weekend frightened for their lives and their families.

This is what we will create for Shredder:
– Automated creation of user in Azure AD when a new employee is hired in Dynamics 365 HR, and import the user to the HR module prior to his first day at work.
– Automatically send a SMS with userid and password for the AD user to the new employe
– Create an Onboarding Portal the new employee will get automaticly acces to, where he will find information about the company and his teammates prior to his first day at work
– Create a Power Automate that will send notifications to other employees regarding tasks assigned to them in the onboarding process
– Create an area in the Portal where the new employee fills out information about him self, that will automatically be imported to D365 HR.

Drone blessing

In the wake of corona outbreak, it is more and more important to have constant surveillance guidance for the possible violators of the not so strict rules a watching authority big brother might have.
OrangeÂź team (that is us) is going to help the unknowing LegoÂź residents to comply to the constantly changing rules of quarantine and contamination by guiding them into the diligence and safety.
– Attacking drone

Drones vs. anti-drone laser cannons for fun and profit ...

– Controlling feature through beautiful power app:

– PowerBI report to the authorities
– And more!

Claiming badges:

Early Delivery

System for hjemmekontor – Dynamics 365 Family Engagement

Dette er Klossmajorenes forelĂžpige planer for ACDC 2021

Vi Þnsker Ä lage et system som kan hjelpe ansatte som sitter pÄ hjemmekontor. Vi ser for oss et Microsoft Teams-basert grensesnitt der den ansatte kan fÄ hjelp til store og smÄ ting i hjemmekontorhverdagen.

Rent teknisk ser vi for oss at det opprettes ett team per ansatt, og at man pÄ det teamet kan adminstrere de forskjellige funksjonene i lÞsningen

I en travel hjemmekontorhverdag med hjemmeskole og hjemmebarnehage vil den opptatte hjemmekontorarbeider ha mulighet for Ä sysselsette bÄde barn Ä partner for Ä kunne jobbe i fred, og vi ser da for oss et sett moduler som kan hjelpe til med nettopp dette:
– App for foreldre for Ă„ sette opp administrere lĂžsningen. embeddet i Teams
– App for barn der de kan fĂ„ varsler om oppgaver (eks rydde rommet, lage middag, ta ut av oppvaskmaskina)
– Diverse smĂ„spill slik som legobyggespill
– Modul for trening og fysisk aktivitet i arbeidstiden

Kommandosentral i Teams

Modul – legobyggespill

Modul – push-up challenge

Her ser vi for oss en (Power Apps Canvas) app der man benytter sensorer slik som gyro i mobilen for Ă„ registrere at et familiemedlem tar Puhsups / armhevinger.

Vi ser for oss at den som tar armhevinger enten legger eller fester mobilen pÄ ryggen, og at da man i power-appen ved hjelp av gyro-sensoren teller antall pushups man klarer Ä ta i lÞpet av en gitt periode

Vi ser ogsÄ for oss at man kan starte en pushup-challenge fra kommandosentralen i teams, og at da familiemedlemmene fÄr en push-varsel pÄ sin mobil med nedtelling til konkurransen starter

Modul – oppgavestyring

OgsÄ denne styres fra kommandosentralen, og her kan foreldre sende ut oppgaver til barna. Dette kan vÊre ting som Ä ta ut av oppvaskmaskinen, rydde rommet, lage middag etc

Barna har en Canvas App for Ä motta disse varslene, og hvis ikke de responderer Þnsker vi Ä sende ut varsler pÄ husets Sonos-hÞyttalere, her med text-to-speech slik at oppgaven blir lest opp



Med denne bloggposten hĂ„per vi Ă„ oppnĂ„ “show and tell” og “early delivery”

Show and tell
Early Delivery

Power Chess (Remote physical chess)

Beskrivelse av tech:

Azure Cognitive Service bruker vi for Ă„ kunne lese brettet, for Ă„ spore opp hvilke trekk som har blitt gjort.

Dataverse bruker vi for Ă„ lagre alle trekkene.

Microsoft Flow bruker vi for Ă„ integrere de ulike kompinoentene, rask og enkelt. #No code/ Low code.

Lego Boost vil vĂŠre motoren for Ă„ flytte selve brikkene.

Lego bruker vi for Ă„ lage prototype av sjakkbrettene.


Business case:

Business caset er Ä kunne spille pÄ et fysisk sjakkbrett med hvem du vil, uansett hvor i verden du er. Har du en bestefar uten teknisk kompetanse som du ikke kan besÞke pÄ grunn av restriksjoner kan du likevel fÄ spilt et fysisk parti med sjakk.

Til denne posten claimer vi: Early delivery

Cowders – Early delivery

Bonden Emmet Þnsker seg en app for Ä fÄ oversikt over gÄrdens gjÞremÄl, status pÄ Äkrene og tider for leveranse av innhÞstet korn. Bonden skal ogsÄ gjÞre vekstkontroll hvor det loggfÞres hvor god vekst hver Äker har og appen kan identifisere ulike ugress gjennom Ä ta et bilde og sende inn. Bonden fÄr da et svar pÄ om ugresset er ansett som farlig og at det mÄ gjÞres ulike tiltak ( sprÞyting) for Ä bekjempe disse.

Fabrikken bonden Emmet leverer til har ulike systemer for kontroll av drift og kornmottak, her finnes det ogsÄ systemer som monitorer kornet som kommer inn etter fremmede objekter eller ugress som ikke burde vÊre med.

Appen lages i React Native med tilhÞrende applikasjons API som tar i mot bilder og benytter seg av Azure Cognitive Services for Ä analysere bildene. Videre finnes det sensorer pÄ gÄrdene som rapporterer via IOT Hub til stream analytics. Til pÄlogging tenker vi Ä bruke Vipps eller Azure B2C til pÄlogging.

Fabrikken er tenkt laget ved hjelp av Lego Mindstorm, hvor den tar i mot korn fra bonde og produserer kraftfor.

Til denne posten claimer vi:

Point Taken – Lego City Disaster Prevention/Protection

Welcome to the beautiful Lego CITY❤ In Lego CITY we strive to keep the citizens safe and all communication digital.

Pic from Google

Lego City is much like other urban cities with infrastructure to make the wheels go around.

Trains: Connecting all citizens

Lego Factory: Producing new and much needed spare parts

Houses: The beautiful homes of all citizens

They all live happy and carefree lives, but their safety is always a concern for the major of the city! Behind all the idyllic LEGO love lurks a danger that can erupt at any time!

Mountain of DOOM 🗻🌋🌄

Over the years the geologist have noticed an increased core temperature in the Mountain of DOOM. This has been an indication that it might erupt in the near future!! (earth time).

The Increadibles

The city will do anything to keep the citizens safe, and therefor the Mayor has created a crisis task force with critical roles in the city. As a collective force they will do their best to protect and prevent any lives from being lost in the case of an outbreak!

Geologist: Predict possible disaster

Major: Organize a crisis team

Train Conductor: Divert the train from the LAVA

Lego Mobile Phone Company: Notify all citizens via roles

Post disaster recovery

If or when a disaster should happen, the city has made it clear that they will help the citizens best as possible to restore whatever has been broken. To aid the citizens in a smooth and helpful way, they have provided a Citizen Self Service portal for incident reporting.

The city has also teamed up with a repair crew that will gladly fix all of the problems that occur. The City provides the technicians with a program for easy booking and part selection.

Once the Technicians are done, they wave goodbye, and the citizens of Lego City can return to their houses 🙌

Technical setup

Train: The train is a LEGO train