With this blog post we aim for the Community Champion Badge

We helped Evidi Power Platform Plumbers to figure out how to enable users to log in and sign out on a Power Pages site with the Blank Template.
They had started to develop this functionality from scratch and was stuck in the classic situation; when you don’t know what’s in the box it’s a fast track to recreate something you can get with the click of a button.
The insight we could provide that allowed them to progress in their project without wasting time recreating out-of-the-box functionality, was that the Header Web Template contains code that automatically display a “Sign in” link at the top of the header to Unauthenticated users. When a user logs in the link is replaced by a “Sign out” link and they get access to their profile page automatically. These pages; the sign in page and the profile page aren’t accessible to edit through the designer, but you can edit them using content snippets and site settings.
With our help the Evidi Power Platform Plumbers team saved a lot of time with our help, that they can now spend on developing their awesome solution.