Sharing Trade with your Fellow Pirates: It’s a Non-Zero Sum Game

Sometime we all maneuver ourselves into bad waters. A zero sum game occurs when you are in waters with an advisory and there are only two options: Either you win the fight, sinking them. Or they win the fight, sinking you. A non-zero sum game however occurs when you both can be victories: There is enough booty for the both of you, and you are able carrying each-other to victory despite adversary.

The crew of @in1 and @in2 crack their skulls together to figure out how this ancient tech called Raspberry Pi and Arduino works. It all runs on flash circuitry, Python, hopes and prayers: Most retro tech there is tech there is.

Team Captain Mats (left) of @in2 and first Mate Håvard (right) of @in1 sharing thoughts on why the Raspberry Pi is not doing what it is supposed to do
Team Captain Øyvind of @in1 is sharing how they set up their Raspberry Pi

A fruitful relationship

The story of Innovations A-team and their First Team was a story of the cut thought battle between two packs of pirates in pristine physical and psychological shape. However after their first love affair over the Raspberry Pi, Captain Øystein asked Swagger of Cloth Sebastian for his input on how badges work. They shared a long and fruitful discussion and are now great allies in this non-zero sum game that is the Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge

Sebastian (left) of the @in2 and Øystein (right) of the @in1 working together to figure out how the Community Champion badge works. They laugh and have fun while sharing theories. Working theory is that they need to cooperate and have fun.
@in2 has put up a backlog to track badges. If anyone needs a visual representation, feel free to have a look.

Is a Sharing Economy Possible Amongst Pirates?

To give is to achieve. But to plunder is life. So said someone on the internet, sometime, maybe… So how can you combine the two? The answer is to declare every gift a war trinket. We are not sharing, we are reverse plundering.

Behold, of our many victims, Herman from Pirate of the CrabIN:

A Conversation with Herman from team Pirates of the CarabIN on borrowing, versus stealing versus being allowed to use our cables.

Of course, no problem, we got your back!

When we, three NoCode/LowCode people register for a Hackaton, we kind of figured out that maybe writing code wasn’t the way to help other teams. But, that doesn’t stop us, we’ll help you out in any way we can! And, when someone needs something cut with scissors, we’re there! It’s our pleasure, and the sign looks amazing!

And of course, enjoy a cold coke while you see us working hard to acchive what you need <3

Deling er å bry seg!

I løpet av gårsdagen slet vi mye med å få knappen til kjøleskapsdøren vår til å fungere. Vår eminente Arduino-utvikler, Mats, jobbet iherdig med å kode seg rundt alle problemer. Det viste seg at han manglet en motstand… Nærmere bestemt 10 000 ohm…

Undertegnede var ute på en runde rundt i lokalet, for å se om det var noen som trengte hjelp med ett eller annet. Etter en liten stund var jeg i kontakt med @infoninjas og kom i en god prat om løsning. Plutselig la jeg merke til en remse med motstander på bordet. Kunne det være 10 kΩ??? Jammen var det det!
Uten å spørre, fikk vi tilbudt en liten resistor. Og vipps, så funket knappen! Tusen takk til @infoninjas!

Som gjengjeld sent i går kveld satt det samme teamet og slet med Power Appen sin. De fikk ikke skjemaet sitt til å sende inn et bilde. Vi sendte øyeblikkelig vår beste PowerApps-utvikler Henrik. Han oppdaget fort at feltet lå uten for formet, fikk lagt det inn på rett måte, og vipps der funket det!

Hvis alle deler av sin kompetanse, og tid, vil alle komme godt ut av det. Motivasjonen er tilbake på topp hos vår Arduino-utvikler, og hos InfoNinjas PowerApps-utvikler! Vinn-vinn!

La resistance

Comutity Effort

Vi i The Sopranos har ikke kun brukt tid på oss selv i disse dager! Vi har prøvd å spre det glade buskap til

1. PizzaTime: De slet med funksjonanlitet i deres PowerApps Portal og satt litt fast! MEn vi sendte over en Sopra Turle som fikse problemet slik at de lette kunne konfigurere pizza portalen sin! 😀

2. Middle Aged Mutable Ninja Tuples: de slet litt med motivasjonen etter at hele to deltakere desserterte. Vi ga dem derfor litt hodebånd for motivasjon ognoen gode ord. 😀

Helping out the community!

Yesterday another team were stuck trying to boot their Raspberry Pi from a micro-sd card. They didn’t have a card reader compatible with micro-sd cards and couldn’t format and burn the Raspberry Pi OS image onto it.

We stepped in and used some of our precious time to fully setup a brand spanking new image of Raspberry Pi OS on their micro sd card so they could continue their work! ☺️

Community Champion

Burning the midnight oil is nothing new for IT consultants, and its all good vibes when you get to help old friends out.. Everyone know that Thomas loves Dataverse, and when someone has a question regarding Dataverse, he will do his outmost to lend a helping hand.

Michael Svenson also offered up his knowledge on stage for anyone wanting to learn more about search and PNP.

Following the advice from our beloved judges, tried to get in touch with busy other teams’ members. Come in their bobles and had interesting discussions as well

Managed acctullay to help team @bouvet with IoT authentications stuff. I think it helped and they started to investigate more 🙂

Helped @steria2 with data factory. It was just a coincidence that we passed by there 🙂

Learned as well some stuff about Human Resources in Dynamics from @axdata. There are so few people that know about that stuff in Norway.

All teams, please come over to ask us about anything. @pointtaken, @steria2, @skill, @skill2, @steria, @axdata, @axdata, @ninjas.

Tips from an ACDC veteran!

Hello everyone! It has been a very interesting event this year, we got a new room, new participants and a lot of new challenges and ideas.

We were impressed with the sustainability challenge that we got yesterday and wanted to contribute a little bit with some ideas around it.

Some of us have been in this event many times and learned some tips that might suit everyone and in addition contribute a little bit with some of the the Principles of Sustainable Software Engineering.

Try not to go to bed so late, it’s not good for your mind and body to work under stress, you are less productive and creative. Try instead waking up early after a good sleep and you will think clearly and ideas will just start flowing.

Remember of course to shutdown your Azure services during the night and start them again during the day (Take a look at to learn more about what we mean.

Happy coding!