Rafael is starting to get happy with our product and recommended this to his grandpa. The issue is that he doesn’t have “BankID for Mobil” to sign the deal. This makes it necessary to add functionality for him to sign a paper, scan, and send.
Using Word we created a document that Rafael’s grandpa could sign. Using AI Builder with text recognizing we could bring out this data and add the operational data to DataVerse and store the document in a safe place.
We started by creating an AI Builder model to get fields from the document
After training this model based on our document, we have created a flow that has an input of a document. This is where we will be sending the PDF in, to analyze and get the values from it. After getting the data from the document that is needed on the contact card, the PDF is sent to Azure Blob for storage.
PowerApp Portals might not be your first choice as a pizza landing place, but it is what it is. Using retro technology like bootstrap.css it will present pizza pies in the most delightful way.
For å skape en bedre applikasjon og en bedre brukeropplevelse har vi utviklet en SPA applikasjon med React og .NET Core 6. Applikasjonen lister ut matvarer som ikke er registret i kjøleskapet. Applikasjonen benytter Node.js og Bootstrap som er open source. Bootstrap er benyttet for å skape en bedre brukeropplevelse for de gir bruker mulighet til å markere det de har handlet. Backend gjør spørring mot Microsoft Dataverse og lister ut matvarer som mangler i en handleliste.
We’ve now been sitting here for, well, let’s just say, for some time, and this is what we’ve done so far (and a little reminder of what we want to end up with) within the different categories (nice and orgenized for your pleasure):
Excelent user experience:
As our total solution is planned to make the Onboarding process a lot easier, streamlined and reduce the possibility of errors down to a minimum for companies, and at the same time make it a lot more exciting for new employees in the time between the signing of the agremment and the first day of work in the new job, this will not only be excelent user experience from the tech side but also from the personal side in the process!
So far in this hackaton, we have made it easier for both the HR department and the IT department to make everything ready for the new employee coming in. Now the two departments doesn’t even have to talk to each other to create a Azure AD user for the new employee, give the licences the employee needs and give the user acces to the systems it needs. Our Power Automate handles all of this! And, it even connects the AAD user to the correct worker in Dynamics and assigns it the Employee security role!
But, before the new employee even starts, why should it be difficult to send an Employemnt Agreement? Shouldn’t HR be able to do that from the same HR system they use evfery day? We say yes, and that’s why we’ve today integrated Dynamics 365 HR with OneFLow, so that you can send an Employement Argeement directly from D365 HR to the new employee, ready for signing, with information about the candidate entered into D365 HR! We are now creating the app for this, and the app will be embedded in the HR system. And, just to be very GDPR friendly, we do not ask the new employee for the National ID number in an email or something, the Employee writes this directly in the contract to sign, so that we can pick it up and automatically enter that information to D365 HR as well, without anyone needing to see it (work in progress, see also earlier post tagged with Right Now):
Most extreme business value
It almost sounds too cocky, but how is this solution not an extreme business value? It takes away a lot of manual work done today, and it is also a lot more GDPR friendly as sensitive information don’t need to be sent around by email. Tomorrow, we will also create a PowerApps Portal, where the new employee will get a lot of information about the company before it starts, and this is also the place where the new employee will fill out a lot of information about himself, and this information will automatically be imported to Datavers and to D365 HR, without anyone needing to see the information on the way! But, for now, we have the Power Automate that at least gives all current employees the notifications they shoukld recieve reguarding the tasks they need to perform in the process. This makes sure that nothing is forgotten, and the new employee will haver an amazing onboarding and start in the company:
Rock solid Geekness
With every technoligy and tools that we are using here, we use it to make the workday and the world a better place for botjh HR department, IT department and the new employee that is starting! If that’s not the best use of tools and technology, then what is??
Killer app
Our total solution consists of so many different parts, and they will all work together beautifully! It’s amazing to see how much functionality you can combine in a solution, and have it ready to import to many different customers. With a little personalizations here and there, this solution can be used by any company in the world that uses Dynamics FO or Dynamics HR.
Things starting to look good here. Here is what we have done so far:
1. Excellent User Experience
The citizens can report incidents using the PWA(React App), Teams app and by e-mail, making it easy for the citizens to report using their preferred way. Splinter which is the head of TMNT has access to the Covert Operation Center where he easily can monitor new incidents and assign them to one or the whole team of TMNT.
For Citizens – So the users can submit cases from email address and it will go to the React PWA. This process is automated (Power Automate)
Quality Management Portal where TMNT can improve and monitor performance. It would be possible to start the quality process right from this solution.
2. Most Extreme Business Value
This is how the solution is built, It supports many cases and different inputs that the TNMT can manage all the incidents happening around town. As you see the technologies are connected together to provide awesomeness!
3. Rock Solid Geeknes
With the use of image recognition, we automate the process of setting the severity of each case. This way Splinter can prioritize easily which incidents that need focus.
TMNT have placed a set of IOT devices that report anger levels around town. This may also give a pulsating light that soothes the angry people and make them sing.
Logic app that post data to Image Analytics.
4. Killer App
The awesome Covert Operation Portal is also a PWA, Splinter can easily assign incidents on the go and get notifications when new incidents are reported.
Security is of uttermost importance therefore incidents submitted using the React PWA is ,submitted to an API Management endpoint. This limits any exposed API’s and gives good control over what data we are exposing.
WOW what a day it has been. We have all been busy at work with our the ordering and delivering concepts.
Working hard on the Canvas App to make sure that the backend matches the amazing visuals we have worked so hard on (frontend).
No images available from tables in Dataverse, but the data is there😂
We decided to extend the ordering app to include feedback forms. We felt it was important to understand our customers better. With a custom connector to Azure Cognitive services we were able to get sentiment analysis from the users feedback.
He is also working on a discount system for all of the “Masked Members”. For every person with a turtles mask, we want to offer a discounted pizza!
Even though the turtles are BAD ASS and they totally KICK ASS, they also need to stay organized. We have been working on the Teams/SharePoint tools they use internally for organizing the entire operation. Without collaboration in their every day activities, it would be hard to stay on top of it all:) The idea is that regardless of the tool they are in, ordering pizza and being up to date is a few clicks away.
SharePoint Home Site in Teams – Global Navigation to Pizza Ordering etc.
They also have a crawling engine going for all of the dark blogs out there. This way they can try to pick up bad guys before issues arise. This way we can better work with preventative crime fighting.
Blog roll
Turtles are of course not the only ones in need of pizza. Head over to the Pizza Time place and get your pie today!
PowerApps Portals
Working on the delivery elements of the pizza order. When a new order arrives in Dataverse, we trigger a Power Automate Cloud Flow. The cloud evaluates the delivery status, and then triggers a Power Automate Desktop Flow that triggers the Head Quarters status Beacon. The purpose of the beacon is showcasing the status updates for the customers. We build a flow that triggers a light and the google nest (youtube video on screen).
Light is dynamic, but hard to show in a picture.. come by our table for a demo!Video of pizza is really cute, but hard to show in a picture.. come by our table for a demo!
Next phase is including the delivery status with notification of completed delivery with a light displaying the correct color for delivery status. Pizza warm = Green, Pizza cold = red. Might seem counter intuitive, but the green / read is successful yes or no 🙂
Pointing at the small sensor for delivery. Temperature is inside the box
HQ security has been upgraded with a functioning trip wire. Not only will the emergency lighting device blink, the beacon will change color and the speakers will start playing ALARMA – 666 full power to notify everyone at the headquarters.
Bad Guy close to the trip wire!!WARNING!!Speaker playing warning song!!
We also managed to get a Power Virtual Agent chat bot in Teams where the turtles can quickly order pizza while chatting to the bot. The order goes into Dataverse, and the lights start blinking like crazy as usual! 🙂
Eivind wanted to help customers get inspired by new pizzas. He has been created a Native App with react native to create a Pizza Inspo page. Browsing this customers will get hungry.
For the ordering process he has been working on weather API inclusion. This way we can show the users what the weather is like now. For the next release we are aiming at altering the estimated delivery time based on the weather data. Bad weather will increase delivery time etc.
NB! The orders from the Portal also works writing to Dataverse.. Again no images, but out beacon light will flash for every order!! 😊
Inspired customers are hungry customers, hungry customers are paying customers. TMNT are of course aware of this and have released the Pizza Time Topping Inspiration App. The app lets users search or scroll through all available pizza toppings you can imagine, perhaps discover some new ones, and most important… get them to order pizzas through the plethora of Pizza Time ordering options: – Pizza Time ordering website (Power Apps Portals) – Pizza Time on-site ordering app (Canvas app) – Pizza Time ordering chatbot (Virtual Agents)
Team Pizza Time believes in giving the customers options, so they can order in the way they prefer.
The Pizza Time Topping Inspiration App is created using React Native. Write once and run both on iOS and Android 🙂
In this post, we will demonstrate using images and text to show the judges what we have developed and created since yesterday.
We have sorted our data in DataVerse to properly store everything we need to show the end customer. So today we have been creating a couple dashboards for our end users.
“Today’s Overview” page are showcasing today’s electricity price and the provider with the best and lowest price. It is easy to compare between electricity providers and get an overview of how today’s market behaves. You can also see your maximal potential savings.
The “Electricity providers last 30 days” page gives the customer an even greater overview of the current market situation. All the electricity providers are matched up against the Spot Price, and it is easy to spot the providers with the biggest fees. We have also included a comparison between the cheapest variable price and the fixed price.
We have created a great-looking dashboard with three pages for potential and current customers. “Today’s Overview” page are showcasing today’s electricity price and the provider with the best and lowest price. It is easy to compare between electricity providers and get an overview of how today’s market behaves. You can also see your maximal potential savings. The “Electricity providers last 30 days” page gives the customer an even greater overview of the current market situation. All the electricity providers are matched up against the Spot Price, and it is easy to spot the providers with the biggest fees. We have also included a comparison between the cheapest variable price and the fixed price. The “Energy Origin” page gives you an overview of where the electricity is generated between the providers. And to the left in the graph, we can analyze the top three providers with the most renewable electricity and compare it to their electricity price
Embedded dashboard
We have embedded the dashboard in a Power Apps Portal for our customers to view. This will serve as a dashboard for them to get an overview of their spending.
When the user is logged into the portal they see the power bi report on their home screen.
If a user visits the portal without logging in the report is not shown, and instead, they get information about what we offer to our clients, and a section for “Become a customer”
The Portal
This user portal is built with Power Apps Portals. It’s user-friendly, responsive, and accessible.
Use this QR-code to see the portal on your phone:
Become a customer
You can register as a user and log in with Microsoft or Google account. New users click “Login” in the top menu – or click the “Join us” button in the “Become a customer” section on the home page.
Clicking the “Join us” will take you to an information page telling you more about our offering and let you start the process of becoming a customer:
Clicking “Begin here” takes you to the “Sign in” page. You can register as a user by selecting the “Register” tab.
When you have access to the portal as a new user you are able to register to be a partner. Right now the form is a default form, but we will add options here for customers to choose what kind of electricity they want (green, cheap, or destructive).
When the application is sent, it appears in an app for the salespeople to review.
What’s next?
We’re working on a Canvas App for salespeople on the go, where they can accept/deny applicants and sign new customers.
Then we’ll set up flows that automatically send emails to new customers when they apply and also when their applications are denied/approved.
Our first customer
We were also able to test our solution on a real customer, Fredrik was the first man out to test this functionality on this home.
Our first customer has signed up and automatically changed his contract
He also received a receipt
What about grandpa without Bank ID for mobile?
Rafael had a concern when he recommended this deal for his grandpa because he was unable to sign with Bank ID for mobile. So it would be necessary to write a paper contract, scan this and submit it to us.
We created a flow to receive this document, and build an AI model to read out the content and add the relevant information on the contact form. Then we stored the document in an Azure blob for the archive.
Business value and how we are going to make money from this business idea
Our services are proven to be a great business idea and an idea that adds value for our customers. But how are we going to make money and maintain a healthy economy within Power Swap?
For now, we have two main income sources, the first one is the “Swap Fee”. Swap fee is a one-time fee we will charge the customer every time they swap electricity providers, but we will not charge any fees if the swap didn’t save the customer any money. We will only charge the customer 10% of the amount our customer saves on a swap. This means that we have a low-cost service and a service that benefits both parties only when a swap is profitable. 10% of a profitable swap may do not seem much of a profit, but remember this is a service that will swap providers in high volume, and with a customer base in Norway of 3.2 million and an even bigger customer base overseas, will this fee be a great income.
Our second income source will be our “Premium Providers”. Premium providers stand for a group of electricity providers that pay us a monthly fee for being a part of our premium program. So now you may ask yourself, what is this premium program? Let us tell you… A premium program is a group of providers that we will treat as a preferred electricity provider when two or several providers offer the same electricity price. If the are two or several providers with the same electricity price, that both are “Premium providers” we will run a randomized picker and choose one of them.
How do we communicate with all the contract vendors First, we found a basic site that that have a list of all contract vendors. We reversed engineered their solution with fiddler in order to find what apis they used. We found one for the contracts and one for signup. From this api information we created our own custom connector, so all the apis we need are available in the Power Platform
This is how we than use the connector to get contracts and change customers contracts on an hourly schedule.