Badge – Plug n Play

It’s not going to win any beauty contest, but the button is critical for Lego City! Once the Mayor confirms the disaster is eminent, every citizen has to be notified about the problem.

This is a button written as a SPFx to trigger an azure function. The azure function will send notifications to citizens that it retrieves from Dynamics.

It has to be said that this button was created by a CRM dude with a lot of help from SP.. UX badge??!??!!;)

Badge – Go with the flow

To manage the important task of notifying the crisis team when disaster occurs we have created a logic app that runs through a process.

IF the IOT device goes offline (LAVA killed the device) a notification is received to logic app. This in turn triggers a message in Teams of the Mayor, and rends the mayor an approval request for “Create Task Force”.

The logic app awaits the confirmation from the Mayor.

Once the Mayor confirms, we have a Disaster Team ready to coordinate the help we need, and a task to be completed.

Forretningsverdi i kobling mellom Dataverse og Sonos-høyttalere

Sonos-modulen i Dynamics 365 Family Engagement fungerer på den måten at man kan få opplest en melding fra Dataverse på en Sonos-høyttaler.

Vi ser allerede stor forretningsverdi i vårt lille familiescenarie der barn som ikke har sin egen smarttelefon kan få lest opp meldinger rundt om kring i huset, men også i andre scenarier.

Forretningsområder vi kan se for oss at dette kan være nyttig

  • Saksbehandling – lese opp innkomme saker
  • Mulighet for informasjon til svaksynte / blinde
  • Salgsorganisasjon – automatisere “pling” ved lukkede salgsmulighet og lese opp ting som titelen på salgsmuligheten, selger, verdi etc (i tillegg til virtuell klokkelyd og applaus)


Med denne posten forsøker vi å belyse forretningsverdi i kategorien “Shark Tank”

Badge – Crawler

Search has come a long way in Dynamics these last years. Recently the Relevance search was greatly improved in UI making it such a great place to search for information in Dynamics.

This is a function you have to activate in Dynamics for it to work properly. Once you do, you will be warned about data leaving the dynamics org. The reason for the warning is that data will now be indexed via different azure services outside of Dynamics sphere.

This search uses the standard quick find fields.

Quick Find view
Quick Find field selection

The relevance search activates a search box on top of dynamics.

In this search you can use lots of parameters to refine search:

You can also click the Show more to see several entities

From here you can refine the results further to see entities/records across the system. All in all a great experience for Dynamics.

Family Engagement API

Enabling external developers to utilize the “Family Engagement Platform”


  • Azure API Managment
    • Api
    • Products
    • Subscriptions
  • Azure Function Apps, with httptriggers
    • Key vault
    • ADFS Application with Auth and setting of access in the Contoso AD
  • GIT
  • Web application
  • Azure DevOps
    • Piplines
    • Deploys

Repo in Azure DevOps
Connected to a Pipeline and Release
Deployes to a Azur Function App, With HTTP Triggers
Client Id and Secret is stored in Key Vault
Howto referance Key Valut value from Configuration
Created an AD Identity to talk to KeyVault
Key Vault
The function App is given access to the Key Vault
And the 2 values in the key vault

Contoso Domain

App registert for the function App to access the Contoso Domain

Permissions given for the app in App Registrations
You need to give Admin Consent to the permissions under Enterprise Applications

API Managment

Base information about the backend this api is calling. For now there is no authorization
The API is defined in API Managment (APIM)
Setting a parameter for all endpoints, the value is stored under Named Values.
The code value can be obtained from the Function App, using the Master key you can use the same Code for all functions in that app.
Define the products that should be available in the API
Create a user that is given a way to access your API
Her we can see that the user Kai has been granted access to the product Family

Then we wil try to call the API

This is about it, now we have an API exposed through APIM backed by a Function App reacting on HTTPTriggers.

The function app uses the Graph API to read Groups and Members in the Contoso domain from the Slevik Vel dominan.

We are wrapping Groups and Users as Family and Family Members.

External Apps

The Family Engagement API is available for remote applications and apps that want to develop and use the family engagement platform. As an example: The family engagement web application is intend to use the API to fetch family members and calendar events from the Microsoft Graph API and statistics from The Family Graph API.


Family engagement APP inside Microsoft Teams

Family engagement APP from browser

We also created a React app based on Fluent UI (

Badge – Sharing is caring

Both teams are working with Lego Boost. A system from Lego where you can send commands over Bluetooth. Lego normally provides a controller that you can use, but we wanted to use a Rasberry PI. In order to do this we had to install Ras PI Light, before we then installed Python for commands. Since both teams were trying to figure out how to best talk to Lego via RasPI/Python we shared our findings so long to see what worked best. Point Taken got a few new tricks to check out for continuous connection for the bluetooth module. Changes will be implemented to our Train Conductor Portal for remote controlling train:)

Collaborate and Share Knowledge!

Point Taken og AITC deler kunnskap og erfaringer.

Både Point Taken og AITC benytter IoT enheter som Raspberry PI og knytter disse mot Lego sine motorer som primært går på Bluetooth. Sammen har vi diskutert og delt erfaring knyttet til å det koble seg til disse motorene fra Lego. Vi har også vært dypt i praten om hvordan vi skal unngå at disse Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ikke skal skru seg av mellom omgangene vi kjører scriptene våre.

Vi diskuterte også hvilke teknologier de har benyttet i forkant av dette, hvorfor de brukte Python fremfor Node.js. Her har begge partene hadde en “lang” vei i forkant, og det å dele disse erfaringene har vært svært kunnskapsrikt.

Med dette claimer vi følgende badge:

Drone 1st flight – operated through code

Connecting to the drone has been a small challenge in itself, but with that behind us, we’re moving forward.

Here we are trying to control the Drone using Code, for this purpose we have selected Python as our coding language.

Controlling_Drone_Through_Code & Try to capture Objects.

So while flying the drone, It will capture the Video and Images of the objects like Legos.

Architecture Diagram How Drone will process the objects.