Vi i The Sopranos har ikke kun brukt tid på oss selv i disse dager! Vi har prøvd å spre det glade buskap til
1. PizzaTime: De slet med funksjonanlitet i deres PowerApps Portal og satt litt fast! MEn vi sendte over en Sopra Turle som fikse problemet slik at de lette kunne konfigurere pizza portalen sin! 😀
2. Middle Aged Mutable Ninja Tuples: de slet litt med motivasjonen etter at hele to deltakere desserterte. Vi ga dem derfor litt hodebånd for motivasjon ognoen gode ord. 😀
Cohesive branding across platforms and applications is important for the end user and create trust in the application. That’s why it’s important to have the same primary colour profile, images, fonts and logos across the platform. Also, applications need to be joyful and delightful to use. Good design is invisible in a sense. When it done right the user doesn’t think that it’s good design; it’s just “the way it’s meant to be”.
Seller Canvas Apps
Sellers on the go need to easily and swiftly approve or deny incoming contracts form new customers. We have open registration on our portal, and that means that anyone can sign up for å power agreement. Before we can start swapping electricity contracts for new customers, we need to manually check each one to know that it’s valid.
When creating interaction designs it’s good to look for established design patterns that exist and that users are already used to. For example Tinder’s Swipe Gesture. We waned to use the swiping as a was of approving or denying new contracts.
If you want to increase your app adoption (for whatever reasons: revenue, targets or just ambitions) you have to care about UX (User Experience). Swipe behaviors can help you with that. How?
Positive effect of the Swipe gesture is connected to our brain neurology. The move, if used in a write context, contribute to a feeling of empowerment in the user. The more positive effect your app has – the higher is its adoption.
The tendency to abandon a shopping session is often attributed to choice paralysis — the inability to make a decision in the face of too many options and too much information. Swipe supports a binary output: yes or no, right or wrong, accept or reject, left or right.
Swiping behavior are more attractive to mobile users
Swipe will be natural in eCommerce, gastronomy and all company processes that requires binary decisions preferably with an image information
Another point is that gallery control in Power Apps may cause delay in items display when user quickly scroll so using swiping behaviour with one item display at a time can positively influence overall app UX.
This is what the finished app works:
You can see the loading screen that engages the user right away while data loads into the application. At the start screen you can open the “Approve or deny” screen, or a form for creating new customers.
The “Approve or deny” first show the list of new agreements to give you a sense of the work load. Then when you open an agreement you can swipe right to approve – get to a success screen – or swipe left to deny – and get to a “successfully denied” page.
You can also create new contacts from the list page. When a seller is on the go it’s important that they easily can sign new contracts.
The Zookeepers should be able to have access to detail information of the turtles habitat. The dashboard in the IoT Central shows relevant information about how their movement, acceleration and rotation (gyroscope). It also describe how many turtles there are and how the humidity, temperatur and pressure is in their habitat
We are claiming the Feature Bombing Badge, due to a smashing dashboard with many features.
For å øke effektiviseringen av bruken med den flotte PowerAppen vår, og dermed forenkle pizza-tilgangen, har vi valgt å legge til muligheten for å benytte oss av denne gjennom Teams.
Applikasjonen er lagt til i løsningen gjennom «Microsoft Teams admin center», og distribuert til ninjaene gjennom «Setup policies» og er pinnet til venstre menyen i Teams-applikasjonen.
Her snakker vi samhandling og one app to rule them all!
Given that we cannot deploy a sensor rig to every inch of the Oslofjord, much less the world, involving the local community is vital. We have achieved this through a simple app that lets the locals report any pollution/monster -event they encounter. We’ve built it on Xamarin to enable us to easily deliver it to both android and apple users. For ease of use the app will use the device’s built in sensors to construct the event payload before sending it through to the event hub.
Anyone can report an incident in this manner. The message is fed straight into our eventhub, from there we alert the necesary ninja turtles to their duty (if necesary).
And now it’s time to show the first of our really good user experience features in the solution. To be honest, if you told a HR person today that he could do two clicks in his HR system and type the agreed salary (or proposed salary, of course this can be changed during the signing process, I mean, why shouldn’t that be possible in 2022?), and right away send an Employemnt Agreement to the candidate they’ve decided to hire? We know that the HR department at our company now will want us to implement this app as soon as we’re back at the office on Monday (yep, I know you’re reading this Christian, we’ll talk on Monday reguarding the expence claim from the bar). But, to get to the point. We’ve created an app, and published it in the Personnel Management workspace in D365 HR, and if you click the tab to open the app embedded in the workspace, you get to choose the canidate you want to sent an Employment Agreement to for signing and just do it:
Click the tab for the appThe app opens, edit what you want, and send the Agreement to the candidate for e-signature through the 3rd party solution OneFlow to be signed with Bank-ID
Turtles HQ was in dire need of a solid security system. Being in the sewage system underground they decided that tripwires was the absolute best way to achieve wanted level of security.
When the magnet is tripped/removed (white item on right side of picture, a signal is sent to Raspberry PI that starts a flow. This is a on/off trigger.
If the Trap step notices a change, the node is checked for status on/off. If is is ON, it will call the service that activates full alarms for the Turtles HQ. Alarms visual and audio are full blast.
Pizza Order
The Pizza delivery has also been equipped with sensors that notify when a pizza has been delivered. When the pizza has arrived at the spot, a signal is sent via Zigbee to raspberry pi, and from here it changes the light to Green for a successful delivery.
We have a fully automated system for pizza order status. The purpose of the flow is to notify the users when the pizza order has been received by the system..
When a user orders a pizza through any application (web, chat or app), the order is stored in Dataverse. This is the beginning of all flows on the trigger (create).
From here it is picked up by Power Automate. Power Automate sends a trigger to Power Automate Desktop.
Power Automate Desktop sends information to raspberry pi via desktop flow. This was achieved by registering my machine as approved machine for Power Automate online. All because the firewall on prem was blocking direct traffic.
Raspberry PI triggers a Home Assistant flow that turns the light to blue. This is a lot like a Microsoft Power Automate flow that is a sequens of actions working to acheive communication with wireless devices onpremise.