Happy Camper

Nearing the end of ACDC 2022 we have had a great time! We have met old friends and gained new ones. Just an amazing experience to finally be back amongst people again.


Personally we feel we have been exceptionally happy and spread the joy to everyone we talk to. All of the endorphins after meeting so many friends again has us smiling almost all of the time:) Working 24/7 a few days we also clock in the most chair time, and that has to say something about our competitive spirit? 😂😂

And of course playing Turtle Power at many hours – theme power to the people!


Let’s start with the brains of the whole operation! Our most important Raspberry PI controlling all of our smart objects. It supports BLE, Zigbee and Z-wave for purposes of communication.

With Zigbee we are controlling our smart light. Color, brightness etc.

Over Z-Wave we are connecting to our Police Light that flashes whenever danger is near. This is a real light that has been in action 🚓

Over WIFI we are able to connect to our Nest Hub, where we play music/videos based on events that happen (intrusion, pizza purchase.. etc).

Over WIFI we get signals to our Raspberry every time the camera detects motion. A sensor for the future when able to also connect to AI services for recognizing faces for security measures.

Just a pot of beautiful green led lights 🟩 and workstation turtle color ready – power to the theme!

Lets not forget the most important thing of them all!! The beautiful watch display!!:)

Vi er Happy Campers!

Vi ville utnytte muligheten til å skryte av vår hemmelige Camp! Og selvfølgelig er også LilleRosaBærsj med oss når vi sniker oss unna til The headquartes!

Det er her alle de gode ideene kommer! Tarp på hotellrom kan anbefales! 😀

Vi håper også dere legger merke til både hodebåndet og maskotten vår! 😀

Lagånden i teamet er alltid høyt! Du finner os smilene og leende 98% av tiden!

#ViTokHappyCampersLittBokstavelig 😉

First day at ACDC

What a day it has been. Many good dicusions and many technologies to choose from. We were not prepared enough! Bold! Yeah! Working through the day so we have landed some of the things that will shape our solution.

Marius worked with Power Apps Portal and Dataverse
Sondre worked with React Apps
Daniyal worked with DevSecOps
Raymond worked with API
Hussain worked will, well, posting something. Yeah he helped with the technologi talks.

Tomorrow new day, new possibilites. Lets hope the solution will make sense when connected to each other. Stay tooned. Good night, sleep well.

Sleep Well Font by zainstudio · Creative Fabrica

The Bombshells are killing it!

We´ve created a monster! Bombshell koser seg og mekker sensorgalskap! Hver sensorstasjon rundt Oslofjorden er proppet med sensorer som fanger lyd, fuktighet, støvpartikler, UV-lys og masse moro 🙂

Samtidig som vi ikke går av veien for å feire små seiere…

Så fortsetter vi å jobbe utrettelig!

Creating more monsters….

By the way…. Happy Campers are wearing turtle necks 😉

Remarkable Team Spirt & Sharing is Caring – Klossmajorene ❤ Cowders

Skill og Felleskjøpet-gjengen hadde en hyggelig runde på discord-kanalen til FK. Jarle dumpa innom, og det viste seg etterhvert at hele sesjonen ble streamet til Youtube.

Marius B og Brage viste frem sitt veldig Retro datautstyr (Marius sin eldste laptop var fra 1981 men Brages gamleste var bare fra 1988).

Alle var enige om at det var en fin kveld!

Vi Kleimer følgende badger (både til oss og FK-gutta seff)

  • Remarkable Team Spirit
  • Happy Camper – utvekslet erfaringer rundt Vipps-APIet