Since the tenant for our Demo environment is located in USA, we do get accsess to some functionality that is not yet available here at this side of the ocean. Therefore, for us how embrace the LowCode/NoCode functionality, we just love the way you can write what you want to do directly in the PowerApp with AI-powered assistance, and the suggestion for the code that should be used pops up right under it!
We have created a great-looking dashboard with three pages for potential and current customers.
“Today’s Overview” page are showcasing today’s electricity price and the provider with the best and lowest price. It is easy to compare between electricity providers and get an overview of how today’s market behaves. You can also see your maximal potential savings.
The “Electricity providers last 30 days” page gives the customer an even greater overview of the current market situation. All the electricity providers are matched up against the Spot Price, and it is easy to spot the providers with the biggest fees. We have also included a comparison between the cheapest variable price and the fixed price.
We have created a great-looking dashboard with three pages for potential and current customers. “Today’s Overview” page are showcasing today’s electricity price and the provider with the best and lowest price. It is easy to compare between electricity providers and get an overview of how today’s market behaves. You can also see your maximal potential savings. The “Electricity providers last 30 days” page gives the customer an even greater overview of the current market situation. All the electricity providers are matched up against the Spot Price, and it is easy to spot the providers with the biggest fees. We have also included a comparison between the cheapest variable price and the fixed price. The “Energy Origin” page gives you an overview of where the electricity is generated between the providers. And to the left in the graph, we can analyze the top three providers with the most renewable electricity and compare it to their electricity price
In order to ship our components from development to prodction we have leveraged several technologies.
In order to export our solution for dataverse we have built a set of yaml based pipelines in azure devops. We have isolated the tasks to their own separate template files which are then called when needed, allowing for simple reuse of functionality.
To deploy our azure resources we have used bicep instead of armtemplates. These are leveraged in azure devops pipelines. We have created templates for the individual types of components as illustrated below.
When our turtles aren’t swinging around New York City or munching on their favorite past time food of pizza’s – they are checking in on the TMNT HQ Intranet to see what’s happening, or chatting with other crime fighting colleagues in Teams.
Using a Home site via Viva Connections is the best way to do this, but unfortunately there’s a bug where the home site shines thru the navigation menu and breaks the user experience.
Quickest way to solve this? Contact Pizza Times trusted member Mikael and have him install the swizz army knife off all time – With a simple accessibility script in place, things are back to normal.
Script to fix the order of business
(Thieving bastard badge is attributing to other 3rd party usage in the solution – API’s etc)
Yesterday another team were stuck trying to boot their Raspberry Pi from a micro-sd card. They didn’t have a card reader compatible with micro-sd cards and couldn’t format and burn the Raspberry Pi OS image onto it.
We stepped in and used some of our precious time to fully setup a brand spanking new image of Raspberry Pi OS on their micro sd card so they could continue their work! ☺️
Burning the midnight oil is nothing new for IT consultants, and its all good vibes when you get to help old friends out.. Everyone know that Thomas loves Dataverse, and when someone has a question regarding Dataverse, he will do his outmost to lend a helping hand.
Michael Svenson also offered up his knowledge on stage for anyone wanting to learn more about search and PNP.
Før lunsj på dag to har hele nINjas gjennomgått kurs for bærekraftig utvikling, og lært en hel del.
Vi har fått en forståelse av de 8 prinsippene for bærekraftig programvareutvikling! Vi har lært om hvordan vi skriver mer bærekraftig kode, som bruker mindre strøm. Hvordan servere kan spinnes opp og ned basert på strømmiks i nettet. Og mye mer.
Det har vært interessant læring for hele teamet, og noe vi kommer til å ta med oss videre etter denne konkurransen!
Vi er stolte av å være det første teamet hvor alle har fullført kurset!
Following the advice from our beloved judges, tried to get in touch with busy other teams’ members. Come in their bobles and had interesting discussions as well
Managed acctullay to help team @bouvet with IoT authentications stuff. I think it helped and they started to investigate more 🙂
Helped @steria2 with data factory. It was just a coincidence that we passed by there 🙂
Learned as well some stuff about Human Resources in Dynamics from @axdata. There are so few people that know about that stuff in Norway.
All teams, please come over to ask us about anything. @pointtaken, @steria2, @skill, @skill2, @steria, @axdata, @axdata, @ninjas.
When ordering pizza, you want to know how long it’ll take before a turtle is at your door with that delicious pizza pie! This PCF plugin lets the customer input their delivery address, and uses Google Map APIs to show a map with a marker showing the turtle pizza HQ (sewers below Empire State Building) and another marker showing the delivery address. It also calculates the distance and delivery time based on the address and shows it to the user. The PCF is written using TypeScript and uses React to achieve instant updates of the map and calculated time/distance as the customer is interacting with the app.
Enabling the portal as a progressive webapp means that users will experience it as a mobile app on their phone. It can also be packaged and uploaded to Microsoft Store and Android Google Play.
We want the end user to have a mobile app on their phone where they can see what kind of agreement they currently have, look at reports on their agreement history and see forecast on what their price will be in the future.
Identity the portal and click the element menu. Click “Edit”
This will open up Power Apps Portals Design Studio.
When it has worked a little while it’s good to go.
So “preview” that it doesn’t work..
We wanted to upload the app to Microsoft Store and Google Play so users can have it as a native app on their mobile device. This is proving difficult, and it’s apparent when working in the PWA Builder that things are not quite ready..