Governance on SharePoint site themes – Issue #1 now resolved

Github issue #1 is now addressed and resolved.

Iterating on the light/dark theme upload scripts TMNT IT management has added the capability to iterate over all SharePoint sites and apply the dark theme as default.

The updated script is running in a scheduled Azure Run Book using PowerShell Core 7.1. SharePoint Online Credentials are as runbook credentials, which is sufficient for this scenario. Key Vault could of course be an option, or even better using a certificate – but as IT is very centralized this works for the time being.

A job well done
Inverted theme applied!

We have also added more code and security scanning tools to also cover PowerShell scripts and find more general security issues.

Dash ‘n Bash

Let’s Dash it out!

Our Pizza’s are being ordered in a hurry! The Turtles must unite to deliver them before the Pizza Time runs out! Let’s use the sewers to avoid traffic. And this dashing board of graphs and KPI will come in great use.

Developer basics and setup – GitHub repository

TMNT love to share and have setup a public github repository at

First order of business is to ensure security is handled by adding a security policy, enabling security advisories on code and artifacts committed as well as some code scanning in case Michelangelo has a brain fart and publish secret information or crappy code.

And 2022 is a good year to be in as scanning modules are free of charge for the turtles to re-use 🤩

Looking good so far – and we’ll keep monitoring!

Accessibility – Colors

Like humans, turtles have mediocre vision. This also applies to our toxic waste turned turtles into humanoid-like beings. When technology enters their world it’s important to ensure color contrast is optimal, thus TMNT Corp mandates all tools to meet the highest accessibility grade possible.

Living in the sewer, going for a dark based scheme makes all the sense in the world.

Being inclusive is is a certainly a turtle powers, thus a light scheme is made available.

And this is how it works.

Dark contrast
Light contrast

Team “Pizza Time” Early Delivery

TMNT Live in the sewers under Manhattan, fighting crime whenever they need to protect the city. To be efficient in their crime fighting activities they need help from citizens reporting status around the city, and they need to be aware of things that happen BEFORE they actually happen. They have contacted Point Taken to find a solution for fighting crime and connecting with the citizens of New York.

After fighting crime, any hero needs food to survive. As we say in Norway “Uten mat og drikke, duger helten ikke”. No real way to translate it, but you need to eat! 🍕🍕

While living in secret it is important to know when the food is delivered without blowing their covers!

This is why we are making a 3 part solution

  1. Step one is fighting crime reactive, and a proactive. Reactive behavior is when the citizens already know what the problem is and they are reporting 911 calls all around the city. The proactive approach is when digital solutions can report suspicious activity before it actually happens.
  2. After fighting crime all of the heroes are hungry. We will create a pizza ordering app for the local pizza shop. A real New York Slice! The obvious order being a double of everything pizza😂
  3. The last part is the pizza delivery process where TMNT need to stay in hiding while receiving pizza. We will create a solution for pizza delivery reporting, and quality checking the pizza when delivered at the secret location with sensors.

Original Drawing

“Pimped Drawing”