Final Delivery – Itera Power Potters

Hermione’s Beaded Bag

Canvas App and AI Builder
Hermione’s beaded bag can hold unlimited amounts of ingredients, spells and potions, as well as a myriad of other handy things. With the Hermiones Beaded Bag Canvas App the students can take a picture of an ingredient and it will automatically detect what kind of ingredient it is, identify it from the ingredient list, and add it to the student ingredient inventory.

3D Map of Hogwarts
Students at Hogwarts walk around the school to collect ingredients to make potions throughout the year. With a school this size it’s hard to keep track of where they have been and where ingredients pop up, but luckily for them, they can navigate virtually through the 3D model of the building straight from the app.

Potion Matching Agent
Once they have collected an ingredient, its added to their ingredient inventory in the Beaded Bag, and they can start making potions. To explore the craft of potion making they can enlist the help from the magical potion match making agent who can tell them what potions they can make with the ingredients they already have, but also what ingredients they are missing to make potions they need.

The agent help the students to manage their inventory for them, and once they have all the ingredients they need to make potion the agent adds that to their potion inventory. This agent is available to the students through the Hermione’s Beaded Bag app, but also through the Diagon Alley website. There are rumors that Dumbledore himself has even added it to his own personal teams chat.

Collect, get points, graduate and get a diploma
As the students evolve, collect ingredients and make potions, they get points based on the level of difficulty. These points are a crusial part of the points neede to level up in their Owls levels as well! This is a neat way for the professors and headmaster Dumbledore himself to keep track of the students progress. When students reach a certain level, a diploma is automatically created and will be signed by Dumbledore himself. Pure magic. The students will receive an SMS that they have graduated to a new level, and they will get an email with the diploma, signed by Dumbledore and their professor.

Tracking progress
The professors keep an eye on the students progress, inventory and levels all the time, and they build reports in top of the data which they use to report to Dumbledore. This way they can help students who struggle, sort and filter students based on the type of potions they find, and maybe intersect before the students who are up to no good do any harm.

Business Value

The real world impact of our solution might not be obvious at first glance, but we work a lot with non-profit and volunteer driven companies. We know that there is a constant awareness with these companies to lower the efforts on administrative tasks and optimize the impact of every donated amount.

One of the administrative tasks that take a lot of time and effort is matching volunteers with activities. This is because finding the right activity fit for the right volunteer rely on a myriad of aspects; Certificates, Certifications, Courses, Competencies, Languages they speak and interest they have. If we can create an AI driven solution that is smart enough to look at all of these aspects and perspectives and automatically match volunteers with activities, we can get an incredible upturn in volunteer activities.

This solution can also be used by search and rescue. The app allow you to scan objects and move through buildings, and also have a way to track and view where you have been and what areas of a space that has been searched. This could potentially be life saving in a critical situation.

Low Code

We have used an object detection model to scan ingredients and add them to the bag.

The model is custom-built and trained on images we have captured ourselves of various objects around our premises.

We have mapped the images to different labels so the model can recognize the objects. These objects are matched with our ingredients in Dataverse.

We have created a canvas app where you can navigate to collect ingredients. Here you have the ability to use your phone camera to take whatever picture you like of an object that is recognized as an ingredient. The ingredient will be listed in a table just below your image.

We use the code

Filter(ObjectDetector1.GroupedResults, ObjectCount = 1)

to show which ingredient the AI model recognized. Now you can add the scanned ingredient to our inventory by adding a button with the code

    firstIngredient:First(Filter(ObjectDetector1.GroupedResults, ObjectCount = 1)),
    firstIngredientName:First(Filter(ObjectDetector1.GroupedResults, ObjectCount = 1)).TagName
     'Ingredient Inventories',
     Defaults('Ingredient Inventories'),
        'Ingredient Inventory (pp_ingredientinventory)':firstIngredientName,
        Ingredient:LookUp(Ingredients,'Ingredient (pp_ingredient)'=firstIngredientName),

In the inventory you can see all of your collected ingredients using the custom objective detection model.

Canvas app and AI builder for adding ingredients to inventory

Pro Code

3D geolocation mapping

By leveraging the web browser geolocation API inside a Canvas App PCF component, we were able to provide a 3D representation of the active users’ current location inside the venue.

We were able to find a simple volume model of the buildings on the map service Kommunekart 3D, but these data seem to be provided by Norkart, which is not freely available.

We decided to scrape the 3D model off of the site, by fetching all the resources that looked like binary 3D data. We found the data was in B3DM format and we found the buildings in one of these. We used Blender to clean up the model, by removing surrounding buildings and exporting it to glTF 3D file format, for use in a WebGL 3D context.

The representation of the 3D model, we decided to do with Three.js, which let us create an HTML canvas element inside the PCF component and using its WebGL context to render out the model in 3D. The canvas is continuously rendered using requestAnimationFrame under the hood, making it efficient in a browser context. The glTF model was loaded using a data URI, as a workaround for the web resource file format restrictions.

The coordinates from the user’s mobile device comes in as geographical coordinates, with longitude, latitude and altitude. The next step was to map these values relative to a known coordinate in the building, which we chose to be the main entrance. By using the main entrance geographical coordinates, we could then convert that to cartesian coordinates, with X, Y and Z, do the same to the realtime coordinates from the user, and subtract the origin, to get the offset in meters. The conversion from geographic to geocentric coordinates were done like so:

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
export type CartesianCoordinates = { x: number; y: number; z: number };

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
export type GeographicCoordinates = { lat: number; lon: number; alt: number };

// Conversion factor from degrees to radians
const DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180;

// Constants for WGS84 Ellipsoid
const WGS84_A = 6378137.0; // Semi-major axis in meters
const WGS84_E2 = 0.00669437999014; // Square of eccentricity

// Function to convert geographic coordinates (lat, lon, alt) to ECEF (x, y, z)
export function geographicToECEF(coords: GeographicCoordinates): { x: number; y: number; z: number } {
	// Convert degrees to radians
	const latRad = * DEG_TO_RAD;
	const lonRad = coords.lon * DEG_TO_RAD;

	// Calculate the radius of curvature in the prime vertical
	const N = WGS84_A / Math.sqrt(1 - WGS84_E2 * Math.sin(latRad) * Math.sin(latRad));

	// ECEF coordinates
	const x = (N + coords.alt) * Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(lonRad);
	const y = (N + coords.alt) * Math.cos(latRad) * Math.sin(lonRad);
	const z = (N * (1 - WGS84_E2) + coords.alt) * Math.sin(latRad);

	return { x, y, z };

This gave us fairly good precision, but not without the expected inaccuracy caused by being indoors.

In our solution the current position is then represented by an icon moving around the 3D model based on the current GPS data from the device.

To connect this representation to realtime data from all the currently active users, we decided to set up an Azure SignalR Service, with an accompanying Azure Storage and Azure Function App for the backend. With this setup, we could use the @microsoft/azure package inside the PCF component, receiving connection, disconnection and location update message broadcast from all other users.

Canvas App XR

To further enhance the connection between the app and the real world, we also explored the possibilities of implementing XR as part of the user experience. Using augmented reality, we could let users interactively gather ingredients, but the OOB MR components in the Canvas App does provide the necessary interactivity, so we compared Babylon.js and AR.js (with Three.js/A-FRAME) to see if any of these third party libraries would be suitable for custom PCF components. Based on early POC’s we concluded that without access to the device’s low level XR features (ARCore for Android and ARKit for iOS), we decided these

Magic Matrix

Every time you add an ingredient to your inventory you will automatically get more point that count towards the Owls level you are at. Showing the professors you are progressing. When you have reach a specified threshold you will get to a new level, and you will automatically receive a diploma and be notified by email and SMS.

Flow 1:

  • A trigger is set on the inventory row – if a row is added or if the quantity column is updated.
  • Then we compose a calculation of which level the wizard has achieved based on the potions it has made. And the quantity of the potions.
  • We update the wizards level – and make a HTTP Patch Request to the Graph Api and update the user in Entra with the level.

Flow 2

  • When the level row for the wizard/user gets modified – we check which level it is, and then start the process for sending the diploma – which is described under:

OneFlow has allowed us to create diplomas for wizards who graduate from our potions and spells program. Whenever a wizard or witch has reached the highest level, they will get a diploma signed by Dumbledore himself.

The diploma is created in Word and exported as a PDF.

We uploaded it to oneflow and created it as a contract to be signed.

We enabled the API for Power Automate Flow

Setting up the Power Automate flow to create a contact with oneflow, add a participant and then publish the contact. Then we create a new row in the Diploma custom table in Dataverse where we connect the contract to the wizard (contact).

We receive an email with the confirmation that we have received the diploma.

And the link takes us to the document

Link Mobility

Setting up the connection reference is easy

Then we add the action to send an SMS to the wizard to notify them that they have graduated!

Triggering the flow will send an SMS with the link to view the diploma!

Digital Transformation

Asking copilot agent what potions you can make with the ingredients your find, and add it to your potion inventory.

You can use your potions – or you can choose to sell it to the highest bidder. Business Central is keeping track of your inventory and allows you to sell your items through a Power Pages site.

All this magic is delivered by Copilot Studio Agents.

Creating the Agent

The magical wizard who knows more about potions and spells and ingredients than Hermione Granger herself is actually a Copilot Agent.

Adding a public knowledge source

We created it with the Harry Potter Wiki as a knowledge source:

Connecting the agent to Dataverse as a knowledge source

In the setup we choose the tables that we want to make available as sources for the agent to draw data from.

Allow the Potions Matcher to create potions

The agent will be able to create new potions in your inventory in the beaded bag based on the ingredients you have. To allow for this the agent is granted permissions to create new rows in the Potion Inventory table on the users behalf

The end result being that the copilot agent is capable of doing magic on behalf of the students.

Business Central

The potential when connecting Business Central with Dataverse is incredible. We know that well fed students are happy students, and by allowing them to sell their potions on a website they will be able to earn some money while in school.

Fabric Fera Verto

Collecting all of this data is all good and well, and the different professors responsible for this solution needs to report on the students different levels to headmaster Dumbledore. To achieve this we send data to Fabric and create Power BI reports

We built a lakehouse to store all the data from Dataverse and the Harry Potter dataset. So that we could clean the data and also share the data with other professors that need the insight.

We use Dataflow Gen 2/Direct Query to always have the latest data for Dumbledore. And cleaned up the data in the process to easier make reports.

Used Power BI desktop to form relationships and to make the reports

Business Value
Reporting and keeping track of progress, activity levels, geographical differences as well as demographic differences within the volunteer group is incredibly important, and we know that the evolution of volunteer efforts in the global scope is changing. As we as humans change our ways and habits, our activities, loyalties (or lack there of) is also changing. Like all other enterprises, the volunteer programs around the world has to evolve with it. But what to do? What are the trends? What works and what doesn’t? It’s all there in the data, and with the right type of reporting and analytics we can get the crustal insights to evolve the programs with the rest of the world.

ALM Magic

We have set up power platform pipelines and have used solutions for all our components. Developing the datamodel first, using the new Plan Designer first to give us inspiration and doublechecking our way of thinking, and then building the data model from scratch to make sure we get the naming convention just right and follow best practices.

Business Value
The other aspects of our solution is not so exciting maybe, but we have made sure to follow development best practices by having security roles, environments and pipelines set up. We developed a naming convention and a solution strategy on day one and we have followed it. We have made sure that we create a solution that we are proud of to the point where we can show it to customers as-is – because that is exactly what we will do on a tech day event at Itera on February 6th. Wish us good luck 😀

Let the Power Potters harness this method to charm their way to flawless, fast-paced development! 🧙‍♂️

The pipeline:

Naming conventions

ColumnsPascal casepp_PowerPotters
SolutionsCapital letter for each word, short and descriptive namePower Potter Potion Solution

Adding copilot to agent and moving across environments

Of course, because we developed the datamodel in DEV, we could also easily develop and train the Copilot Agent in DEV and move it to production using solutions and Power Platform Pipelines, as well as the AI Models, and the Power Pages site

Entra ID Security Groups

We use Entra ID / Azure AD Security groups to control who has access to the different environments.

The security group is linked to the environment.

Virtual potion ingredients: XR in PCF components

We already have access to MR (aka. Magic Reality) components in Canvas Apps. Implementation is straight forward, but as expected they come with a limited set of features. The components are based on Babylon.js, and make for a quick and easy way to place and view a 3D model in an augmented reality context.

For our solution, we wanted the user to also be able to interact with the virtual objects in front of them, which is not OOB features, so by expressing our power user love, we decided to explore the possibilities around custom XR enabled PCF components.

Being ACDC craftsmen, knowing the potential issues of going too far down the wrong path, we decided to do some proof of concepts, creating custom PCF components with third party XR libraries, acting like proper thieving bastards on the way.

First off, we had a look at AR.js, which is built on ARToolkit, a relatively old library. This library could provide us with wide device support, which really didn’t have that much value, considering the component would be running inside the Power Apps mobile app. We would also be forced to use either image target or marker tracking, with no modern AR spatial tracking.

Looking closer at the OOB components, we tried to find a way to leverage the OOB Babylon.js logic, hopefully being able to hook into the React Native part of the implementation, which would give great benefits in terms of access to device specific XR features (ARCore for Android and ARKit for iOS). We did, however, decide to leave this path, and focus elsewhere.

Wizard Tracking: 3D geolocation in Canvas App

In our solution, users will be gathering ingredients using object detection in a Canvas App. The AI model used for this has been trained on objects around the conference venue, and so we wanted to enhance the connection between the app and the real world. Already having access to the users geo location through the geolocation web API inside the Canvas App and any PCF components, we decided to these data to place the active users on a 3D representation of the venue, expressing our power user love by merging 3D graphics with the OOB Canvas App elements.

We were able to find a simple volume model of the buildings on the map service Kommunekart 3D, but these data seem to be provided by Norkart, which is not freely available.

Like the thieving bastards we are, we decided to scrape the 3D model off of the site, by fetching all the resources that looked like binary 3D data. We found the data was in B3DM format and we found the buildings in one of these. We used Blender to clean up the model, by removing surrounding buildings and exporting it to glTF 3D file format, for use in a WebGL 3D context.

The representation of the 3D model, we decided to do with Three.js, which let us create an HTML canvas element inside the PCF component and using its WebGL context to render out the model in 3D. The canvas is continuously rendered using requestAnimationFrame under the hood, making it efficient in a browser context. The glTF model was loaded using a data URI, as a workaround for the web resource file format restrictions.

The coordinates from the user’s mobile device comes in as geographical coordinates, with longitude, latitude and altitude. The next step was to map these values relative to a known coordinate in the building, which we chose to be the main entrance. By using the main entrance geographical coordinates, we could then convert that to cartesian coordinates, with X, Y and Z, do the same to the realtime coordinates from the user, and subtract the origin, to get the offset in meters. The conversion from geographic to geocentric coordinates were done like so:

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
export type CartesianCoordinates = { x: number; y: number; z: number };

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
export type GeographicCoordinates = { lat: number; lon: number; alt: number };

// Conversion factor from degrees to radians
const DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180;

// Constants for WGS84 Ellipsoid
const WGS84_A = 6378137.0; // Semi-major axis in meters
const WGS84_E2 = 0.00669437999014; // Square of eccentricity

// Function to convert geographic coordinates (lat, lon, alt) to ECEF (x, y, z)
export function geographicToECEF(coords: GeographicCoordinates): { x: number; y: number; z: number } {
	// Convert degrees to radians
	const latRad = * DEG_TO_RAD;
	const lonRad = coords.lon * DEG_TO_RAD;

	// Calculate the radius of curvature in the prime vertical
	const N = WGS84_A / Math.sqrt(1 - WGS84_E2 * Math.sin(latRad) * Math.sin(latRad));

	// ECEF coordinates
	const x = (N + coords.alt) * Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(lonRad);
	const y = (N + coords.alt) * Math.cos(latRad) * Math.sin(lonRad);
	const z = (N * (1 - WGS84_E2) + coords.alt) * Math.sin(latRad);

	return { x, y, z };

This gave us fairly good precision, but not without the expected inaccuracy caused by being indoors.

In our solution the current position is then represented by an icon moving around the 3D model based on the current GPS data from the device.

To connect this representation to realtime data from all the currently active users, we decided to set up an Azure SignalR Service, with an accompanying Azure Storage and Azure Function App for the backend, bringing it all to the cloud, almost like a stairway to heaven. With this setup, we could use the @microsoft/azure package inside the PCF component, receiving connection, disconnection and location update message broadcast from all other users, showing where they are right now.

Potions Matcher agent

We are using Copilot Studio to make an agent that can answer user questions about what potions they can make with the ingredients that they have collected in they beaded bag inventory.

We look to claim these badges with this blog post

Hogwarts Enchantment

Hogwarts Enchantment

Because we are truly making magic happen when the user can both get answers to what potions they can make and the AI agent can automatically add new potions to their inventory.

Plug N’ Play!! I mean, we are pluggi’n everything in everything in our solution, and this copilot agent will be plugged into every interface the young wizard turns to

We are leveraging the latest of the latest in AI cutting-edge technologies with autonomic Copilot Agent. Doesn’t get more hip than that!

We are claiming Feature Bombing because we are adding the copilot to all interfaces; Teams, Power Pages and Canvas app. The users are bombarded with this copilot feature wherever they turn. Sounds familiar? 😀

Using an autonomous agent to search both the internet (Harry Potter Wiki) and Dataverse tables and combining the results is using search in an interactive and innovative way

And last, but not least, in the vast world of potions and ingredients, this agent is not only smarter than a 5th grader – but even Hermione Granger herself!

Creating the Agent

The magical wizard who knows more about potions and spells and ingredients than Hermione Granger herself is actually a Copilot Agent.

Adding a public knowledge source

We created it with the Harry Potter Wiki as a knowledge source:

Connecting the agent to Dataverse as a knowledge source

In the setup we choose the tables that we want to make available as sources for the agent to draw data from.

Allow the Potions Matcher to create potions

The agent will be able to create new potions in your inventory in the beaded bag based on the ingredients you have. To allow for this the agent is granted permissions to create new rows in the Potion Inventory table on the users behalf

Create custom prompts

We all know how hard it can be to understand what exactly an AI chat service can do, so we wanted to add predefined custom prompts to our agent chat experience, to give the users a better user experience.

We created a set of custom prompts that we added to the bot.

Testing the bot in the studio is one thing, but secretly, Dumbledore also adds it to to Teams

Testing the agent with a chat experience in Teams

Adding it to the Power Pages site and using it, logged in as Dumbledore to create new items in inventory

and this is a video of what the copilot agent looks like in a Canvas App on the phone

Glossy glossy glossy

Having consistent branding is important to give the users a good experience when navigating between different user interfaces. It makes a cohesive look and feel across apps, websites, reports, etc.

Define brand identity

The focus point for our solution is Hermione’s Beaded Bag, so we wanted to use soft purple


One of the most identifying things about a brand is the font. We have found a free font that we want to use with most user-facing interfaces.

Color Pallette

We used Microsoft 365 Copilot Visual creator to help get our creativity going. It helped us find a color scheme that was exactly what we were looking for to get a soft magical feeling.

From this we created a color scheme fit for apps and websites.

Power pages:

Canvas app:



Added the component: File uploader

  • So it possible to add pictures of the ingredient – To match up when wizards try to collect and register them.

Added the component: Image Gallery

  • So that Professor Dumbledore can see if the pictures are correct.

I also want to claim the badge Sharing is Caring for helping team: The Broomstick Pilots

As they also mentioned in the post:

Happy Camper

We are a bunch of happy wizards, and we love our camp!

With this blog post we aim to claim

First and foremost we have decorated our station with our Hufflepuff flag that we are very proud of, and of course Hedwig is our guardian owl, hovering over our camp

We make sure to always ware our robes and feel most comfortable with glasses on and wands at the ready – even before the sun comes up!

And when times are tough and we feel that we are not living up to our own expectations, we don’t give each other a hard time – we take a time out! We get away from the screens, sit down and build with some Lego! It really helps to get our eyes off of the screen and connect with each other over a glass of potion juice to get the community spirits going!

oneflow and link mobility

With this blog post we claim the oneflow and the Link Mobility sponsor badge

We also claim these badges:

Because we connect external data from oneflow to dataverse

Is only natural, given that it’s Power Automate flow that is used to orchestrate the whole thing


But this “Sharing and Caring” badge is for someone else <3


OneFlow has allowed us to create diplomas for wizards who graduate from our potions and spells program. Whenever a wizard or witch has reached the highest level, they will get a diploma signed by Dumbledore himself.

The diploma is created in Word and exported as a PDF.

We uploaded it to oneflow and created it as a contract to be signed.

We enabled the API for Power Automate Flow

Setting up the Power Automate flow to create a contact with oneflow, add a participant and then publish the contact. Then we create a new row in the Diploma custom table in Dataverse where we connect the contract to the wizard (contact).

We receive an email with the confirmation that we have received the diploma.

And the link takes us to the document

Link Mobility

Setting up the connection reference is easy

Then we add the action to send an SMS to the wizard to notify them that they have graduated!

Triggering the flow will send an SMS with the link to view the diploma!

Sharing is caring: For “Pass me a Sock”

We were too late sending information about our http endpoint to Link Mobiliy, but “Cooky at “Pass me a sock” came to our rescue, and shared their credentials with us. Without them we wouldn’t have been able to set up the connection and successfully send SMS’s. Thank you Cooky! Sharing really is caring <3


One of the amazing sponsors for ACDC 2025 is ctelo

With this blog post we are claiming the sponsor badge for ctelo

We have set up their solution for Teams Telephony using their fantastic step by step guide.

The result when this is fully set up is that we now have the ability to call each other within Teams directly with our phone numbers, as demonstrated here where the Dumbledore (System Administrator) is calling Ulrikke Potter in Teams by entering her phone number,

Setup in Azure for domain:

Setting up direct routing

Setting up the phone number for the user