Eyyrr mates!!!
Captain Black Bart, is planning a big raid, Oslo is the target and according to ChatGPT the loot potential is #awsome.

Invitation is sent to all chosen crewmates using top of the art “Power Automate flows”.
Crewmates are free to Accept or Decline the raid invitation.

When it’s time for the raid, we requires all crew members who have accepted the raid to check in, using their RFID card or phone.
If the crewmate have accepted more than one raid, he/she can choose to check in using our Raid Planning App

With the help of Midjourney AI, https://docs.midjourney.com/, we generated the app design component by asking the AI to provide us witht the latest & greates piracy themes.

The RFID data for all potential crewmates is stored in Azure AD using the “Postal Code” field, pretty “Nasty Hack” according to our “bosun”.
This data is imported to Dataverse “AAD User” virtual table for our app.

Let’s raid mates.