Ever wondered where your dog are when there’s no food around? How about asking Cortana, Siri, Alexa, or even better Boten Anna?
We have created an integrated solution, with CI/CD in Azure Devops, Cognitive Services, Azure Functions and Power Virtual Agent.

The solution starts with an Azure Function written in Visual Studio.

When code is completed, committed and Pull Requested into the main branch, our CICD pipeline (YML) fires and pushes the solution to Azure Functions

The Azure function is running with a set of pre-captured surveillance images (Due to GDPR we are not using live video). Each folder consists of three photos, one from the kitchen, one from the hallway and one from the livingroom.

Each of these photos will be evaluated with the cognitive service vision functionality. Each of the evaulated photos will be returned with an url for the user to check, and with a textual answer to where the dog is actually located.

Boten Anna
The evaluated images:

With this solution we claim the following badges:
- Power User Love – for usage of the Power Virtual Agent
- Stairway to Heaven – For the usage of Azure Devops, Azure Functions, Cognitive Service, Azure Storage, Power Virtual Agent
- Power of the shell – for the CI/CD YML publishing
- The Existential Risk – for usage of AI through Cognitive Service Vision