We have two solutions ready for use, PWA for public use (https://infoninjas-xt6rm.ondigitalocean.app/) and a powerapps portals for internal use (https://infoninjas.powerappsportals.com/dashboard/). Both are responsive and works well on all devices.
PWA in use:
PowerApps portal in use:
Most Extreme Business Value
A small but very useful application stack that can have a multitude of business related implementations.
ACDC 2022 us:
InfoNinjas and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles works together solving crimes around New York and Oslo. A PWA app that allows public to report crimes with camera and GPS input together with text. , and a PowerApps Portal that the team uses to gather these reports and dispatch the ninjas and turtles out to help.
Public service:
For real life applications you can use these for example as a public reporting tool towards public services. F.eks. infrastructure like roads that need to be fixed, power outage, water supply and other problems and feedback that needs to be handled.
Law enforcement:
Or it could be used for law enforcement to be gathering intel from citizens that are aware, and by that collecting intel that can help in their public services.
As long as something need to be reported, and someone need to know and should act on it, use InfoNinjas Covert Ops Center application stack!
Rock Solid Geeknes
We are using PowerApps, Azure DevOps and GitHub for full deployment pipeline towards Azure hosted applications. We are using digital ocean for hosting the web app (PWA). PWA integrates with local hardware (GPS tracking and camera).
Also started on our IoT-project, but didn’t have time to complete:
Killer App
Take up your phone and navigate to https://infoninjas-xt6rm.ondigitalocean.app/, you can also store it as “HomePage” and your set – that’s a killer app for you:
Dagens museer står overfor mange ulike utfordringer, det spenner fra globaloppvarming, nedbryting av bilder til å engasjere brukere og få besøkende. Dette er noen av de problemstillingene vi har tatt for oss i denne løsningen.
Etter intensiv sommerjobb for oss har The Sopranos endelig levert det ferdige produktet. Vi har valgt å presentere det ved bruk av brukerhistorier for å få frem nytten av løsningene. Vi har to hovedløsninger som presentert av hver brukerhistorie.
Jens Driftingeniør sier:
“Som driftsingeniør hos Munchmuseet er jeg spesielt opptatt av å bevare malerienes integritet. Vi har nylig funnet ut at fuktighet er et av de største faktorene som bryter ned maleriene. Vi har også et underdimensjonert luftanlegg og trenger en visualisering av temperatur og fuktighet rundt maleriene slik at vi kan prioritere kapasitet der det er behov. ”
Løsning – Moist Munch
For å løse driftingeniørens behov for monitorering av fuktighet og temperatur har vi installert IoT sensorerer ved hvert maleri og laget et oversitklig dashboard i PowerBI for god visualisering av temperaturene og fuktighet. Når driftingeniøren åpner dashboardet får de opp dette:
Helt på toppen får de gjennomsnittsmålingene fra alle sensorene gjennom hele museet ved de tidspunktene målingene ble gjort, med et minutts oppløsning.
På bunnen får vi opp temperatur- og fuktighetsmålinger for de to rommene som det er satt opp sensorer for: “Solrommet” og “Månerommet”. Der har man mulighet til å klikke inn på rommene for å få mer detaljerte data om målingene for hvert maleri. Trykker man for eksempel inn på solrommet får man opp:
For mer informasjon se tidligere post:
Fargene for dashbordet er valgt etter museets fargeprofil: rød, hvit og svart, og følger dermed også fargeprofilen som er satt for resten av den totale løsningen med besøkende-delen.
Brukte tekologier:
PowerBI, Azure IoT Hub, Function App, Logic App, Dataverse
Business Value
Minimere nedbrytelse av malerier og kunstverk:
Denne løsningen vil bidra til at driftingeniørene kan iverksette riktige tiltak for å holde både temperatur og luftfuktighet under terskelverdier for å minimere skade på uvurdelige malerier. På denne måten kan levetiden til maleriene økes, slik at flere generasjoner rekker å oppleve dem i sin levetid. Dette vil også gjøre at vi sparer betydelig penger på restaurering av maleriene våre. Dette er dyre og intrikate prosesser som krever spesialisert håndtverk og metoder.
Det er blitt bevist at luftfuktighet er hovedårsaken til degradering av malerier som har brukt Kadmium gult(cadmium yellow) på maleriet. Flere av Munch sine mest kjente malerier, slik som Skrik bruker Kadmium gult. Fargen ble også brukt av Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse og Pablo Picasso på 1800-tallet tallet fordi den dekket godt. Dette er like relevant for deres malerier som for Munch sine! For mer informasjon se tidligere bloggpost under “Most Extreme Business Value” (LENKE: https://acdc.blog/steria2022/hva-har-vi-gjort-i-dag/)
Denne løsningen kan også enkelt selges videre til andre museer rundt om i verden da luftuktighet er den største fienden mot bevaring av malerier i museer verden rundt!
Museumsleder Mona sier:
“Som museumsleder I Munchmuseet ønsker jeg å:
1) Sette oss på kartet og finne nye innovative måter å fremstille både vår egen og våre partneres kunstsamlinger på.
2)Vi vil også gjerne finne en ny måte å gi mer informasjon om kunstverkene våre til de besøkende. Nå har vi prioritert veggplassen på å få plass til flest malerier, men vi har fått mye innspill om ønske om mer informasjon om maleriene.
3)Det er heller ingen hemmelighet at menneskekraft er dyr, og vi vil gjerne gjøre noen besparelser her slik at de ansatte kan prioritere arbeidsoppgaver anderledes!
Målet er å bli fremtidens interaktive museum! ”
Løsning – Munch Visit
Den nye besøksapplikasjonen har 3 funksjoner som hver av dem løser et av de overnevnte problemene. De tre funksjonene er virtuelt museum, immersionog chatrobot.
Virtuelt museum
Vi har i flere år vært preget av Covid, og den har begrenset mulighetene vi har til å bevege oss som tidligere. Ved hjelp av den nye appen vår kan besøkende nå besøke vårt digitale museum med både bilder og behagelig bakgrunnslyd som støtter opp under opplevelsen av museet. Museet kan også brukes med VR briller for de som ønsker det. I en verden der unge er vant til å bruke digitale verktøy til å interagere med omverdenen. Er dette det første steget mot en mer digitalisert og fremtidsrettet museum.
Se link til video:
Business Value
Målet er at fremtidens museum skal bli en møteplass både digitalt og fysisk. Hvordan skal vi få flere besøkende oftere. Med det nye virtuelle museet gir det museet mulighet til å oppdatere utstillingen sin hyppigere som gjør det mer interessant for interesserte å komme hyppigere, ved å samarbeide med andre museer. Den unike muligheten der man kan oppleve digital kunst som NFT på en mer tradisjonell måte kommer til å trekke oppmerksomhet. Dette vil trekke til seg flere nysgjerrige besøkende.
Fordelen med et virtuelt museum er at det ikke vil bli stengt ned på samme måte som et tradisjonelt museum, og kan derfor fortsette å holde åpent uansett hvilken situasjon verden befinner seg i (pandami).
Utstillingene kan være tilpasset hvert enkelt kunstverk med lyd og omgivelser, uten begrensingene den fysiske verden gir med tanke på plass og skjørheten til kunsten.
Under business value til Dashbordet har vi beskrevet hvordan fuktighet og temperatur påvirker bildene.
Ved å redusere stresset maleriene blir utsatt for kan man bevare dem lenger, men også spare miljøet for frakting av malerier fra andre museer, og redusere strømmen for å opprettholde de best egnede forholdene når det kommer til temperatur og fuktighet rundt bildene. Dette er også et skritt mot et grønnere museum.
“2) Vi vil også gjerne finne en ny måte å gi mer informasjon om kunstverkene våre til de besøkende. Nå har vi prioritert veggplassen på å få plass til flest malerier, men vi har fått mye innspill om ønske om mer informasjon om maleriene.“
Løsningen vår på dette ble funksjonaliteten Immersion! Her kan brukerne bruke Much Visit Applikasjonen til å ta bilde av malerier de ønsker å få mer informasjon om, og informasjonen hentes inn automatisk!
Lenke til Video for illustrasjon: https://steria-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/kenny_nguyen_soprasteria_com/EY_ZavyrNRlMj7cqexa6YvoBeQReWByUg9w-GNp8cmGNvw
Brukt teknologi: AI Builder, Power Automate, Canvas Applikasjon,
Buisness Value:
Ved å legge inn mer informasjon i applikasjonen i stedet for ved siden av kunstverket kan vi bruke plassen på veggen til å stille ut enda flere bilder. Denne vil også skape et mer interaktivt museum som støtter under målet om å bli fremtidens museum. Denne funkjsonaliteten skal også skaleres til andre museer slik at besøkende rundt om i verden som er ekstra nysjerrige kan ta i bruk applikasjonen hos seg. Se blog om denne funksjonaliteten for mer informasjon: https://acdc.blog/steria2022/bilde-gjennkjenning/
Chatrobot “Det er heller ingen hemmelighet at menneskekraft er dyr, og vi vil gjerne gjøre noen besparelser her slik at de ansatte kan prioritere arbeidsoppgaver anderledes!” Chat botten vår bruker kunstig intelligens for å hjelpe deg med spørsmål du måtte ha under besøket!
Se tidligere post for mer informasjon: https://acdc.blog/steria2022/lazy-chat-bot-makers/#respond
Business Value
Chatbotten kan nå avlaste ansatte slik at de besøkende heller bruker applikasjonen enn å kalle på de ansatt for hjelp. De ansatte kan da bruke arbeidsdagen på mer verdiskapende oppgaver.
Som vi tidligere har beskrevet i bloggen, er pruduktet vårt tenkt som en B2C-løsning. Vi selger det som en all-in-one-package. Med på kjøpet får du et kjøleskap med integrert tech, samt en cloud-tjeneste for behandling av data og til slutt men ikke minst… To apper! Extreme Business Value i praksis!
En app for oversikt over alle middager som er mulig å lage basert på hva du har i kjøleskapet. Her kan du se hva du har og hva du eventuelt trenger for å lage din favorittpizza, eller favoritten til noen andre i kollektivet. Personlig tilpasset, med mulighet for å velge din egen favoritt.
Her mangler det ingredienser for alle favorittene. Men frykt ikke automatisk handleliste er allerede generert
Som du ser av bildene mangler det en hel del ingredienser til favorittmiddagen, men det gjør ingenting. For vår mobilapp har allerede handlelisten klar.
Bare huk av på det du har kjøpt for å minne deg selv på hva som mangler.
Når varer er handlet inn, og satt inn i kjøleskapet fjernes de automatisk fra handlelisten. Her snakker vi killer app-magi kombinert med excellent user experience!
Vi har brukt mye forskjellig teknologi og materialer. Vi snakker papp, gaffa tape, 3D-printing, matvarer, Arduino, Raspberry PI, Azure Cognitive services, Power Automate, PowerApps, React.js, Python, HTML5 osv. osv. osv. Hele pakka er techy tech og rett og slett Rock Solid Geeknes!
Vi har oppdatert det visuelle i besøkapplikasjonen slik at det passer sammen med look and feel for Munch museet.
Bildene under viser noen skjermbilder av munchmuseet sin egen nettside.
Under kan dere se det gamle og det nye utseende på appen vår.
Dette er for å lage og styrke et helhetlig brand av Munchmuseet. Det skal ikke være et spørsmål om at dette er den offisielle Munchmuseet appen. Se tidligere post(https://acdc.blog/steria2022/en-visuell-orgasme/). Et helthetlig utseende på hjemmesiden og appen knytter dem mer sammen, og med de kule featuresene i appen er det med på å fremme et inntrykk om at Munchmuseet er et innovativt og fremtidsrettet museum som har mye å by på.
Power BI Dashboard:
Driftingeniørene vil hver dag ha en oversikt over temperaturene i de ulike rommene, sjekke hvilke rom som har økte verdier for temperatur og fukt. I dag har vi satt opp dashbordet og slik ser det ut. Tanken er at det skal være lett å få en rask oversikt og innhenting av nødvendig informasjon for å sette I gang tiltak for bevaring av malleriene.
Her har vi fokusert på å få inn den informasjonen som er nødvendig for driftsingeniørene for og få en rask og god oversikt. Dette er med på å gjøre det lettere for de ansatte på museet å ta de grepene de skal for å bevare kunsten på museet. Dette sitatet fremhever hvorfor det er viktig at dashbordet raskt kan gi god oversikt. “Mange var allerede skjøre da de ble en del av museets samling, og burde kanskje ideelt sett vært lagret i mørke, kalde rom for ikke å gå i oppløsning. Likevel velger vi å vise dem frem.” https://www.munchmuseet.no/samlingen/disse-kunstverkene-vil-en-dag-forsvinne/ . Dashbordet har flere sider der det er mulighet for å gå til andre sider for å få mer detaljert informasjon om de enkelte rommene. Det er viktig om det skulle oppstå enkelthendelser i ett av rommene. Er det økt gjennomsnitt i et av rommene; har det oppstått en brann ved en sensor øker det temperaturen på det punktet veldig, og dermed drar opp temperaturen. Det kan også være at det er litt flere folk enn vanlig som gjør at temperaturen og fuktigheten øker. Her er det viktig med ulike nivåer med informasjon for å kunne iverksette riktige tiltak for bevaring av kunstverket.
Dashbordet er ikke like visuelt appellerende som besøksappen, men skal brukes av trente brukere og er høyst funksjonell og viktig for driften av museet.
Most Extreme Business Value
I denne delen presentere vi nye featues som gir tilleggsverdi fra det vi presenterte i går.
Minimere nedbrytelse av mallerier og kunstverk:
Munchmuseet har I likhet med andre museer malerier som sakte med sikkert brytes ned av omgivelsene:
“Har du tenkt på at kunstverk ikke nødvendigvis varer for alltid? Akkurat som gamle aviser kan bli til porøse, gule flak, skjer det samme i mange tilfeller med kunst. Materialer som papir, tekstil og fargepigment brytes naturlig ned over tid, og når de utsettes for lys, går denne nedbrytingen raskere. Ingen av bildene Edvard Munch etterlot seg, vil vare evig. Mange var allerede skjøre da de ble en del av museets samling, og burde kanskje ideelt sett vært lagret i mørke, kalde rom for ikke å gå i oppløsning. Likevel velger vi å vise dem frem. Fargene i disse bildene vil trolig oppleves annerledes av våre barn og barnebarn enn de gjør av oss.”
Og etter forskning ledet av National Research Center oppdaget de at: “The latest research results show that – contrary to what was previously thought – light is not the main reason for the degradation of cadmium yellow coloured layers in the painting, but rather humidity” .
Flere av Munch sine mest kjente mallerier, slik som skrik bruker Kadmium gult. Fargen ble også brukt av Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse og Pablo Picasso på 1800-tallet tallet fordi den dekket godt. Detter like relevandt for deres mallerier som for Munch sine! Derfor vil målingene av temperatur og fuktighet rundt hvert mallergi gi innsikt og kunnskap til å iverksette gode og målrettede tiltak for bevaring av uvurderlig kunstverk slik at enda flere generasjoner kan ha glede av dem i dere fysiske form. Men denne teknologien kan også brukes i andre museum og for andre kjente kunstverk over hele verden.
Virtuelt museum- utstilling for hvordan maleriene egentlig var malt?
“Fargene i disse bildene vil trolig oppleves annerledes av våre barn og barnebarn enn de gjør av oss. Her forklarer vi hvorfor.”
Som et resultat av maleri som sakte men sikkert brytes ned, vil det virtuelle museumet kunne stille ut kunsverket I sine beste dager til sammenlikning til dagens tilstand, det kunne også være veldig interesassant å stille ut verkene over tid “En reise gjennom tiden”. Noe som vil være lettere å gjennomføre i et virtuelt museum.
Utstilling av muserumbilder kan også skjerme de spesielt utsatte malleriene for lengre tid med skade fra omverdene.
Rock Solid Geeknes
Ikke alle nerder progger i C og har våte drømmer om arduinoer. I løpet av de siste 24 har Morten virkelig har fått lov til å lov til å utfolde seg som den visuelle nerden han egentlig er (cries in SharePain). Vi snakker wireframing i Figma, custom vektorgrafikk, fargeteori og WCAG-awesomness #HighAvailability. Selv om vi prøvde å overtale han om at ikke alt må se helt optimalt ut, har han kompomissløst gått til verks for unngå alt som ligner på standard PowerApps-utseende. Vi er selvfølgelig veldig fornød med det ferdige resultatet selv om Morten gråter på innsiden fordi han ikke fikk chatbot-ikonet sitt i riktig farge.
Endelig er dashboardet til driftingeniørene oppe og går! Nå kan de se temperatur og fuktighetsmåling rundt hvert malleri i et oversiktsbilde og sette i gang målrettede tiltak for å minske skade på uvurdelige kunstverk.
New Yorks Manhattan is all Gloom and Doom after the ripple effects from Covid-19. Unemployment is up and crime rates are higher than ever before.
The city is having a hard time batteling all of the crime, and they have been reaching out to Turtles to assist in keeping the city clean.
Another problem the city is seeing is an increase of people loosing their houses because of the lack of income. The Mayor and city of New York has decided to help all of the struggling citizens with basic needs like food.
In order to get this working he has issues food stamps with QR/BarCodes codes that gives 1 free dinner every day.
To get this working at scale the Major has issued a request for all local restaurants to accept these food stamps as payment, and that New York city honor the payment.
Pizza Time AS (turtles franchise) was more than willing to help, and have decided to integrate their Ordering App against the official New York API for QR/BarCode statuses. This API ensures that each citizen doesn’t abuse the free food service, and can only get 1 free meal pr day.
Coupled with the learnings from delivering pizza’s to TMNT at unlisted addresses/locations Pizza Time now has the tools needed to give everyone, and we mean absolutely anyone, a pizza pie, every day of the week, all year around.
#1 – Several areas with unified branding
Pizza Time AS provides several user interfaces to meet the different customers needs. We have based all of the user interfaces on best practice for Accessibility standards with color contrast and screen readers in mind. The user interfaces that we provide are:
Power Apps Portal for making sure that everyone will find Pizza Time AS when browsing the web for local pizza shops. A portal is important for users often wanting to see more information regarding a company in general, or might not be familiar with apps on other surfaces.
Pizza Time App In order to meet the modern needs of younger users, Pizza Time created an app for a new demanding technology crowd. The apps colors are also created with the contrast requirements for Universal Accessibility, and gives the end users lots of new functions.
Ordering in dark contrast mode
Order in light contrast mode
Pizza Time AS had plans to expand the app with a membership club, but they were not sure how the customers would approve of the new look and feel of the app once released.
To make sure that the customers would still be happy with the app, they planned to release a sentiment survey directly after the release of the “Masked Membership Club”.
The first change to the app was adding the membership experience.
Since Pizza Time AS is a Turtles themed restaurant they want to create a cult of masked pizza guests. It would show as a great tribute to the heroes of the city that keep them safe. For every customer ordering pizza with a TMNT mask would receive automatic discount. The membership would also serve as an important element for the restaurant in regards to good marketing.
The day after Pizza Time AS also released a sentiment analysis feedback form for all of the customers as a final step to the order. This way they would be able to pickup on the important feedbacks from the customers experiencing changes in the order process.
Chatbot Pizza Time AS recently decided to test out a B2B offering for pizza orders. The idea was to provide customers with an easy tool for pizza orders in the tools they use the most. After a survey from the customers they saw that most of them used Microsoft Teams. Even the TMNT used teams when collaborating in HQ.
Pizza Time AS created a Chatbot within Teams that gives B2B companies access to a very simple ordering tool inside the tool they use every day, Microsoft Teams.
TMNT Intranet
Creating a stellar user experience, Pizza Time AS was hired by the turtles to re-vamp their intranet as well – Turtle theme #ftw – accessible for turtle flappers.
#2 – QR/Barcode scanning for Food Stamps
Introducing the Barcode/QR scanner in the APP, customers that were on the food stamps would now be able to purchase 1 meal a day. The investment Pizza Time AS had done in the APP would prove to be smart. Shortly after the announcement from the Major, the functionality for registering the food stamp was added as a payment step in the end of the app.
#3 – Automatic retrieval of geo position when ordering
Being homeless is a challenge, and Pizza Time AS decided it was important to treat everyone the same. No matter if you had a home or not. This is why we receive the GEO Location when a pizza is ordered. Instead of the focus for a given address, the delivery will find the people hungry for food wherever they tagged their location.
(And yes, everyone has a smart phone today – it’s not a luxury item – get real!)
In addition to the location awareness we are able to estimate delivery times. With good estimates, the user won’t call the service desk unnecessarily often.
#1 – Masked Member Club bringing inn recurring business and SOME exposure
All B2C companies know that having a functional membership club is important for recurring revenue. Most offer a membership card or a subscription to emails for discounts etc. Pizza Time AS wanted to take this to a new level. Because the whole restaurant is branded with TMNT they introduced the Masked Members.
The Masked Members have to wear a mask while ordering. At the end of the ordering process they will be presented with a camera control that takes pictures of them and recognizes qualified masks. It is both funny for the customers and the employees to walk around like super heroes while eating food
This brings a lot of action to the SOME accounts for Pizza Time AS.
#2 – Being able to receive food stamps greatly increases revenue and potential profits.
Traditional delivery to those with credit cards and cash has been the target audience since pizza delivery got started 70 years ago. We know everyone loves pizza so in order to increase revenue we need to grow the customer base. People with government subsidized food programs is a new revenue stream we can tap into.
You might think preying on the poor to sell more pizza is the wrong approach. It’s not! By delivering nutritious and HHS approved pizza pie’s at a discount to those in need – we also serve the greater good, because it’s the right thing to do!
#3 – Community effort
Being able to help other people in need is the best feeling in the world. Opening up the diner to the people that need it the most is not a given from all restaurants. Employees and local residents are proud to have Pizza Time representing, and this is a huge boost to the local community.
#4 – Heat sensors in pizza deliveries to better understand changes in climate and customer experience.
Being able to deliver a pizza at the expected time and preferred heat is not an easy task. On days with lots of orders, the drivers can be late, and that will ruin the pizzas waiting for delivery. It is also harder to keep the pizza warm in cold winter weather.
Pizza Time AS invested in heating sensors in all pizza delivery boxes. The sensors send information back to the central for a better understanding of the quality of the pizza.
If the pizza is delivered bellow the expected temperature, a warning will be sent to Pizza Time AS. A green light will be shown if the temperature is right.
Running a business is though. Usable Solutions, Feasable ideas, Real World Scenarios
Demonstrating a green light when the pizza is defines as delivered and the temperature sensor is above required temperature.
The feedback from the sensor is connected with user sentiments and this gives valuable readings to the Pizza Time AS to improve their service.
The following graph is data from Dataverse where it is possible to read the pizza delivery temperature vs the outside temperature, mapped up with the sentiment from the customer. It is interesting reading, because this can be used to optimize the production of pizza’s. If it is possible to reduce the time between pizza in the oven, and pizza in the car, more customers will be happy.
Yellow = outside temp Blue = pizza temp
Killer App
Delivering pizza’s is a small eco-system in it’s own right. Order and delivery is the same regardless if you are Amazon or the local Manhattan Pizza Time. Without the financial muscle and cut-throat working environment of Amazon, Pizza Time AS has instead ventured into using cheap, sustainable services and resources from the Azure and M365 cloud. Senior high-school student Luigi Pizzarossa has shaped up the front-end configuration and development needed to provide public ordering via open and accessible API’s.
In just three days with his friends he has spun up a working E2E/B2C pizza ordering, delivery tracking and feedback loop system to help his family become community champions serving pizza pies to the less fortunate in New York who can use their once-a-day meal codes at Pizza Time AS – and also choose to have the pizza delivered at any location that be at a bridge overpass or a park bench.
Rock Solid Geekness
Pizza Time has invested in systems for customer satisfaction. They have a loop of customer interactions where all data is stored in the common affordable repository Dataverse.
When an order is received to Dataverse, a Power Automate Flow will pick up the recently added order and further trigger a Power Automate Desktop Flow. The solution is using public wifi, so the ports are not open for direct dialog. To get around this we created a data gateway between the computer and Power Platform. This gave us secure direct access to local network.
From here we accessed the local Raspberry Pi, that spoke to our Phillips Hue lamp via Zigbee.
After the order has been completed and the pizza is ready for delivery, we start tracking the pizza temperature. Purpose of temperature readings is to ensure high quality pizza deliveries. Once the pizza is delivered a location node will trigger the Raspberry Pi to check the current temperature. If the temperature is 60C or above, all is green. If not it will turn red, and we automate negative feedback to the Pizza Place.
The system is a highly complex IOT system with touch sensors, heat sensors, lights and automations within the Raspberry Pi. We utilize Z-Wave, Zigbee and Wifi to connect to all of our local items. NO 5G Conspiracy!!
We have our focus on sustainability and optimization of process in our B2B solution for Zoos, but in addition we have also the intention of promoting animal care and support from normal people out there that wants to help with the time and money consuming task of taking care of animals in controlled and artificial environments.
Proof of concept
Our solution is basically divided in 2 platforms:
B2B solution (SmartZoo admin)
It is based on Azure IoT central implemented in 1 or more Zoo’s; the platform collects data from different devices grouped by species of animals living in different artificial environments inside the facilities.
By collecting data and getting insights, the Zoo’s can share data to optimize their processes, resource consumption and animal quality of life.
We tested several devices sending telemetry from temperature, humidity, pressure, location, and many other sources. We managed to send commands back to the IoT devices, allowing us to define business rules that can simplify procedures and tasks for the zookeepers.
B2C solution (SmartZoo app)
The SmartZoo app is an innovative proof of concept that we implemented during the last day. The idea is to share some of the telemetry and data generated by SmartZoo admin with normal people outside the business. They will be able to Sponsor animals living in the ZOO and then get shared data from the Zoo’s as reward for their support. People will then feel closer to the animals they like and help, encouraging them to share the stories with other people and empower the community.
We are making use of the blockchain technology to manage the transactions of sponsoring animals, by doing this, we implement transparency and decentralization to the system, allowing everyone to track how the money is moving and how it is assigned to the different Zoos.
System architecture
Iot Devices
Everything starts here, IoT devices are constantly producing data that is sent to the IoT central which is the main point of processing. We used a wide variety of sensors to make some tests, but the most common ones were the Azure IoT development kit and the Azure IoT PnP app for mobile phones.
IoT central
It is in charge of receiving and manage the inputs from the devices and allow operators to define dashboards, business rules, commands, and data export to external repositories. Azure logic apps offer connectors to be able to send commands, or other actions back to the IoT devices.
IoT central provides a very good user experience, easy to navigate and manage, but data is not flowing in real time in the dashboards. That is why we needed to implement an improved solution using front-end technologies to optimize this.
The front-end system gets real time data exported from IoT central to a cosmos db database that works perfectly to process and query data in short time.
The interesting part of this front-end solution is that is adaptable to many user interfaces, so we implemented it in a Teams tab (for collaboration teams to see dashboards and make desicions), IoT central to have real time visors, and in the B2C solution to show to end users telemetry, images and location of the sponsored animals.
Our app allows users to browse between all subscribed Zoo’s and their species. So, people can then sponsor the different animals available.
SmartZoo uses a database to store information about Zoos, species, animals and members (sponsors).
The data is displayed in a nice and response web application that is easy to navigate. Users can see animals and click on “sponsor” to process payment. Once completed, the user has the possibility to Login with their metamask wallet (Web3 login) and then see their sponsorships.
Video of the solution Attached you can find a video explaining how the app works:
After 3 days of stress, geeks, and a lot of thinking, we managed to put a solution in place that we think can actually be interesting both for businesses, day to day people and environment activists. We are basing our solution in the word “sustainability” and try as much as possible to add value to the zookeepers and the marvelous job they do.
Middle-age Mutable Ninja Tuples are taking a break from fighting crime and want to take care of the elders instead.
Imagine that your grandmother has had a fall, and can’t get up. She now has the difficult choice of whether to call for an ambulance or call family members for help. Both options are hard – having to wait a long time to get help, and feeling like a burden to society and family is a real struggle for senior citizens. A lot of elders don’t even have family to rely on. “Eldrebølgen” is going to hit hard and our society isn’t ready.
We aim to revolutionize senior citizen assistance. Using our app, it’s trivial and fast for senior citizens to get help, and for any people to provide that help. Finally, senior citizens can get the dignity they deserve.
Killer app
Our platform makes it trivial for senior citizens to call for help (e.g. when having a fall), and for any people to provide that help. Both senior citizens and helpers easily find each other on a map, using location tracking. The back-office is able to monitor both the senior citizens and the helpers, and collect data to improve how automatic dispatching of helpers is done.
Our app is senior citizen friendly, with a single large button to avoid misclicks and confusion. Getting help is fast and simple, and it’s easy to see when and how help arrives, using the map. This is a much better alternative than calling for help from a family member or calling for an ambulance, and senior citizens can keep their dignity. Feedback from test audiences is great – senior citizens are able to understand and use the service.
Our research shows that senior citizens assistance is an open market (at least in Norway), and that governments, senior citizens and investors are very interested in our platform. Since we are the first to market, we expect to get great PR in newspapers, TV news and social media, and be regarded as a killer app.
Our apps use state of the art technology (.NET MAUI and gRPC, among others), to provide an easy to use and seamless experience for all parties involved. Because of the technical advantage, the platform will be easy to maintain and cheap to run, which provides an advantage against other potential competitors in the senior citizens assistance area.
The platform contains all components needed to compete against the incumbents in the food delivery and transportation business areas and other similar business areas. You might say we have created a killer platform.
Business Value
Foodora revolutionized food delivery, and Uber revolutionized transportation. Wolt copied Foodoras idea and is thriving, and the same applies to Lyft, which is competing with Uber. These types of platforms are a part of the Gig economy, the economy/business of the future. Now is the time for senior citizen assistance (SCA) to enter the Gig economy.
We will market our solution towards the Norwegian government, counties and municipalities. The first business plan is to get paid by the public sector each time an elderly citizen has received assistance.
We expect a few municipalities to want to test our services, and other municipalities and counties to jump onboard after we start getting positive press.
To scale the service, we allow anyone to register as a helper. Helpers will get a cut of the money. This will allow us to scale up to assist elders in many countries across the world.
We expect to get positive press and be noticed by investors. We can collaborate with investors to expand into other markets as well. The platform we have created is already capable of pivoting to other markets and compete with the likes of Lyft/Uber and Foodora/Wolt. This makes us agile and can take advantage of new market openings.
Our technical platform is state of the art, meaning we can compete with Foodora and Uber with lower prices. The sky’s the limit for this amazing platform.
User Experience
We have studied UX for senior citizens and have tailored the UX accordingly. The .NET MAUI app is senior citizen friendly, with an easy to use interface. The buttons are large and there are very few features, to avoid misclicks and confusion. It’s very intuitive to call for help (just press the large button). When help is on the way it’s easy to see where the assigned Turtle is currently located and to see when help arrives.
Feedback from senior citizens is very positive, most say it’s very easy to call for help and understand when and how it arrives.
The Turtles and extra helpers use the Dynamics mobile app which we have customized to aid in finding nearby senior citizens in need of assistance on a map. The Dynamics mobile app is created by Microsoft, and uses industry UX standards.
The back-office uses Dynamics Field Service which is customized to aid Turtles and helpers in the field. Back-office workers can track Turtles, helpers and senior citizens are shown on a map, and see a heat-map showing where there is more need of assistance.
The app for registering as helpers is streamlined, using the most popular UI component library for Blazor (Radzen).
Rock Solid Geekness
Note: everything mentioned here is already working together properly, no rubber band and paper clips required.
The app for senior citizens is made with .NET MAUI (preview) and React components in MAUI. We have not used MAUI before, and had to struggle immensely with bugs. There is no easy way to show a map in MAUI, to circumvent this we embed a react app hosted elsewhere, containing the map.
The backend for the MAUI app is a gRPC service which is able to stream location updates back to the app.
It integrates with Dynamics using .NET Core Dynamics SDK (preview), to create SOS alerts and query for updates. We have not used gRPC or this Dynamics SDK before. The gRPC service is not supported in Azure App Service, which caused us a lot of struggle.
The app for registering as a Turtle is made with Blazor Server.
It integrates with Azure using Azure APIs, to automatically create users and assign licenses. We have not used this API before.
The gRPC service and Blazor app are automatically deployed to Azure using GitHub Actions. We have not used GitHub Actions before.
The back-office is Dynamics with Field Service. We have not used Field Service before.
Reports are made in Power BI using data via (Synapse/Dataverse)? We have not used this before.
Reports, customizations, workflows, plugins, etc…
Since we are working with multiple state of the art technologies, including several that are only available as preview, and that contains critical bugs which we have overcome, we suspect we might be the greatest nerds ACDC has ever seen.