Since the beginning of the 17th century, pirates have been terrorizing the seas, pillaging their way around the world. Ships outlive the crew, and captains are forged through raids and adventures on the high seas.
Arrr matey! Ye heard it right, ye scallywags. The days of free-spirited pirating are over! No longer can ye just set sail and hope for the best, searching for a crew as ye go. Nay, now ye need a proper harbor master.
Why, ye may ask? Well, it turns out that finding a crew for a raid these days is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Or a parrot in a pet shop. Or a pirate with a full set of teeth. Ye get the idea.
So, the pirate ships have come together and decided to appoint a harbor master. This lucky (or unlucky, depending on how ye look at it) soul will be in charge of finding the best of the best, the crème de la crème of pirate crew members. And let’s be honest, with the current job market, it’s not like there’s a shortage of unemployed sailors.
The harbor master will be the one responsible for vetting applicants, making sure they have all their limbs, and that they can swab the deck without falling overboard. A tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.
So, if ye be a pirate in need of a crew, or if ye know a pirate in need of a crew, head on down to the harbor. The harbor master will be waiting, with a bottle of rum in one hand and a list of requirements in the other.
The idea
Every ship has a captain

Every captain has first-hand information about a secret treasure hidden somewhere. The captain decides to schedule a raid/voyage for his ship with a great treasure awaiting💎

To find a crew, the captain has to speak to the local harbor master.

The harbor master begins the process of locating available crew to meet the criteria of the raid/voyage. As a harbor master, he has local information about the best of the best.
The crew gets selected based on skill/availability

The captain signs off on the crew, and the raid can begin!

We will be combining Dataverse, Power Pages, Teams Apps, PCF, SPFX, azure functions etc, etc to spread the technology stack. In a real-world scenario we might limit ourselves to fewer apps, but where is the fun in that?:)