Protector of the seas (PoS)

Piracy is a major threat to global trade, and it is crucial to have effective measures in place to detect pirate ships. Satellite images can play a decisive role in this context. With the ability to cover large areas and provide real-time updates, satellite images can provide authorities with the information they need to identify and track pirate ships, even in remote areas. By combining satellite images with other technologies, such as AIS data, a comprehensive system can be established to monitor the world’s oceans and keep them safe from pirate ships.

By using existing data sets, we can train models to recognize ships from satellite images [1]. By comparing the number of ships found on AIS data to the number discovered on satellite images, we can find out how many non-commercial ships are in an area. We then make the assumption that if non-commercial ships are close to commercial ships in an area where the threat is high, potentially dangerous situations may arise.

AIS stands for Automatic Identification System. It’s a technology used on ships and boats to broadcast their location, course, and speed to other ships and shore-side authorities. It helps prevent collisions and makes it easier for ships to navigate in busy shipping lanes.

This model must then be linked to a portal where authorities can receive early warning that they should be paying extra close attention in a certain area.

The distance to the nearest coast guard or military vessel from AIS data can also influence the level of threat.

By combining our custom ML solution with open AI data, we can predict where pirates are located. This allows us to warn shipping companies so they can prepare their ships by taking a different route or fighting against the pirates.

If we have time, we will expand the functionality of the solution by offering alternative pirate-free routes for an additional fee

Early Delivery

Since the beginning of the 17th century, pirates have been terrorizing the seas, pillaging their way around the world. Ships outlive the crew, and captains are forged through raids and adventures on the high seas.

Arrr matey! Ye heard it right, ye scallywags. The days of free-spirited pirating are over! No longer can ye just set sail and hope for the best, searching for a crew as ye go. Nay, now ye need a proper harbor master.

Why, ye may ask? Well, it turns out that finding a crew for a raid these days is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Or a parrot in a pet shop. Or a pirate with a full set of teeth. Ye get the idea.

So, the pirate ships have come together and decided to appoint a harbor master. This lucky (or unlucky, depending on how ye look at it) soul will be in charge of finding the best of the best, the crème de la crème of pirate crew members. And let’s be honest, with the current job market, it’s not like there’s a shortage of unemployed sailors.

The harbor master will be the one responsible for vetting applicants, making sure they have all their limbs, and that they can swab the deck without falling overboard. A tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.

So, if ye be a pirate in need of a crew, or if ye know a pirate in need of a crew, head on down to the harbor. The harbor master will be waiting, with a bottle of rum in one hand and a list of requirements in the other.

The idea

Every ship has a captain

Every captain has first-hand information about a secret treasure hidden somewhere. The captain decides to schedule a raid/voyage for his ship with a great treasure awaiting💎

To find a crew, the captain has to speak to the local harbor master.

The harbor master begins the process of locating available crew to meet the criteria of the raid/voyage. As a harbor master, he has local information about the best of the best.

The crew gets selected based on skill/availability

The captain signs off on the crew, and the raid can begin!


We will be combining Dataverse, Power Pages, Teams Apps, PCF, SPFX, azure functions etc, etc to spread the technology stack. In a real-world scenario we might limit ourselves to fewer apps, but where is the fun in that?:)

PowerPirates of Axdata make a Pirates day hell of a lot better!

Through our Pirate Satisfaction Questionnaire, one of the things that really stood out was that now when the Awesome Pirate Corp. had implemented Dynamics 365 F&O as their ERP system, the pirates found it really hard to be able to check, complete tasks and update their personal information like bank-account when they are out on the ship and only have their mobile available. In addition to this, it was really hard for them to see where they are planned to be and the Pirate Planners had a hard time to plan where the pirates should be as they did not have the total overview over where another planner had booked the pirate the next weeks.

After reviewing this, the Awesome Pirate Corp. engaged 5 half-geeky, wanted, pirates to help out with this. The 5 PowerPirates went into their house and planned how this could be solved, and came out with this plan:

  • With the F&O as the ERP system and master data source, we need to create a canvas app for all pirates to use and a model driven app for all Pirate Planners to use.
  • Data should flow between al of these and Office 365, as that is a lot more accessible for the pirate on their mobile when they are out on the ships.
  • The Pirate Planners will use the model driven app (that receives the master data for projects and pirates from F&O), to book the different pirates for different ships and tasks, and every planner will have a full overview over what pirate is booked for what in the future.
  • The Pirates will user the canvas app to receive information over where they are booked, have their To-do list to complete tasks assigned to them from F&O, to do updates abut them self, and some other cool and fun things to make the pirate experience even better!
  • Things done by the Pirates in the canvas app will of course update F&O with everything that is needed for the Treasurer and Pirate HR to do their job and send their reports to the P-level management.

This solution will make the every-day a lot easier for everyone in the Awesome Pirate Corp, and combined with the right PowerBI reports, this will give everyone a lot better overview iver everything going on! And, maybe a Power Virtual Agent can give the pirates a lot of the answers they need, without Pirate HR to be involved? We think so 😉

Welcome to the ACDC2023!

The competitive spirit will be high, and participants will be eager to earn badges and show off their skills. So, get ready to be challenged, have fun, and be a part of this incredible community of like-minded.

Let the competition begin!