Cowders – Early delivery

Bonden Emmet ønsker seg en app for å få oversikt over gårdens gjøremål, status på åkrene og tider for leveranse av innhøstet korn. Bonden skal også gjøre vekstkontroll hvor det loggføres hvor god vekst hver åker har og appen kan identifisere ulike ugress gjennom å ta et bilde og sende inn. Bonden får da et svar på om ugresset er ansett som farlig og at det må gjøres ulike tiltak ( sprøyting) for å bekjempe disse.

Fabrikken bonden Emmet leverer til har ulike systemer for kontroll av drift og kornmottak, her finnes det også systemer som monitorer kornet som kommer inn etter fremmede objekter eller ugress som ikke burde være med.

Appen lages i React Native med tilhørende applikasjons API som tar i mot bilder og benytter seg av Azure Cognitive Services for å analysere bildene. Videre finnes det sensorer på gårdene som rapporterer via IOT Hub til stream analytics. Til pålogging tenker vi å bruke Vipps eller Azure B2C til pålogging.

Fabrikken er tenkt laget ved hjelp av Lego Mindstorm, hvor den tar i mot korn fra bonde og produserer kraftfor.

Til denne posten claimer vi:

Point Taken – Lego City Disaster Prevention/Protection

Welcome to the beautiful Lego CITY❤ In Lego CITY we strive to keep the citizens safe and all communication digital.

Pic from Google

Lego City is much like other urban cities with infrastructure to make the wheels go around.

Trains: Connecting all citizens

Lego Factory: Producing new and much needed spare parts

Houses: The beautiful homes of all citizens

They all live happy and carefree lives, but their safety is always a concern for the major of the city! Behind all the idyllic LEGO love lurks a danger that can erupt at any time!

Mountain of DOOM 🗻🌋🌄

Over the years the geologist have noticed an increased core temperature in the Mountain of DOOM. This has been an indication that it might erupt in the near future!! (earth time).

The Increadibles

The city will do anything to keep the citizens safe, and therefor the Mayor has created a crisis task force with critical roles in the city. As a collective force they will do their best to protect and prevent any lives from being lost in the case of an outbreak!

Geologist: Predict possible disaster

Major: Organize a crisis team

Train Conductor: Divert the train from the LAVA

Lego Mobile Phone Company: Notify all citizens via roles

Post disaster recovery

If or when a disaster should happen, the city has made it clear that they will help the citizens best as possible to restore whatever has been broken. To aid the citizens in a smooth and helpful way, they have provided a Citizen Self Service portal for incident reporting.

The city has also teamed up with a repair crew that will gladly fix all of the problems that occur. The City provides the technicians with a program for easy booking and part selection.

Once the Technicians are done, they wave goodbye, and the citizens of Lego City can return to their houses 🙌

Technical setup

Train: The train is a LEGO train