API Managment backed with Azure Function.

We use Azure API Managment to support external developers to query our data.

The 2 endpoints for the Family Engagement Platform is not to complex yet, but it is a start. For now it is not protected by username/password either.. But it is only serving mock data so that should not be big problem for now..

Function app hosted in Azure
App is published trough a Pipeline in devops
Really simple backend for now 😀
Config in APIM that calls the backend HTTP triggered function App.
Even works from the testing tool in APIM

Next is to add the API to a product and then protect them in APIM.

The backend services is supposed to run on an “internal” vlan, so they are not accessible from the outside.

We aim for the following badges:

Cloud Developer Craftsman

Hope to get some points in the categories

Blow my Mindstorm

Lego autobots