Early delivery – DreamTeam

Pirates can now plan their raids with ease using our Raid Planning App. The solution includes features such as planning what city to raid, casualty reports, and resource planning. With an intuitive user interface, all of these tasks can be completed quickly and easily whether you are part of the ship management or the crew. ​

As a captain we provides you the ability to customize the app to fit your exact needs. The crew can set up automated notifications and reminders to ensure that all tasks are completed on time. This will make sure your next raid will be a successful one.​

Early mockups of the app, generated by midjourney

1 thought on “Early delivery – DreamTeam

  1. This looks like an awesome Early Delivery and we’re looking forward to seeing it – but the blog post doesn’t showcase your thieving bastards skills! Considering updating it – or creating a new one going more in detail! There’s still time to earn the Thieving Bastards badge – and we would love to see a blog post going more in detail on what 3rd party tools you used and how you used them!

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