Conjure Your Insights – Dash It Out!

What is a student portal without a dashboard that keeps track of all magical achievements at Hogwarts? A personal Marauder’s map, but for the student’s academic journey! See learned spells and potions, behavior and subject progress.

The student dashboard of our application consists of these four sections, each summarizing the students performance in that section.


This section is an up-to-date tracker for the students behavior. It fetches data from the student’s mischievements data. No mischievements? The students been a good wizard/witch!

This makes it easy to spot patterns in behavior across weekdays and quick visual comparison of mischievement frequency.

Friday seems to be a popular day for mischeivements…


A spell collection tracker. The dashboard displays the total number of mastered spells completion by providing a circular progress indicator with percentage

The current view shows 3 spells in total, with the Imperturbable Charm being the most recent addition (learned 2 hours ago). New spells automatically appear in the collection as they’re mastered.


The brewing progress tracker displays all successfully created potions. The dashboard currently shows 12 mastered potions, with the Death Potion being the most recent creation (47 minutes ago). Each potion is logged with its brewing timestamp and success status.


The academic overview section totals all achievement points across subjects.

The system logs progress from the initial enrollment date in each subject, providing a comprehensive timeline of magical education advancement. The dashboard updates in real-time, ensuring accurate tracking of all academic activities at Hogwarts.

Detail view

Each card on the dashboard can be expanded to reveal more comprehensive information about the student’s progress. For instance, when expanding the Potion section, students can view their complete potion history, including ingredients, characteristics, and effects for each potion.

Canvas App and AI Builder for Learning on-the-Go

Our team, EVIDIosaaa, is dedicated to modernizing education at Hogwarts. After all, is it really that exciting to rely solely on traditional classroom methods? We think not! We aim to leverage AI to expand the learning opportunities and reach more students, ensuring everyone can unlock their magical potential.

With that, we present a Canvas App for Learning on-the-Go. The app dynamically adapts to each user, reflecting their assigned Hogwarts House with personalized colors and crest. On the profile page, students can view a summary of their enrolled subjects and track their earned subject points.

While primarily designed for mobile devices, the app features a fully responsive design, ensuring a seamless experience across all screen sizes.

With its adaptability to screen sizes and dynamic customization based on each student’s house, we proudly claim Chameleon for its seamless responsiveness and Glossy Pixels for its polished, visually striking design.

On the subject of Divination…

One of the subject the students can delve into is Divination. Originally taught by the renowned Professor Sybill Trelawney in traditional class rooms, but with the help of AI and Canvas we are able to widen the reach.

Using AI Builder in Power Platform, we have created a custom prompt design to receive a image and analyze the coffee grout or tea leaves. The model is robust and can not be fooled. If you send an image of something other than a cup, or a cup with coffee still in it, you will be told to try again.

With this app, students will likely never look away from their phones—they’ll be too busy scanning every cup they come across! By transforming learning into an interactive and engaging experience, the app makes mastering Divination both fun and effortless, ensuring students stay connected and captivated.

And with that, we claim the Hogwarts Enchantment Seal for gamified excellence and for weaving magic and learning into a seamless, captivating experience.

A touch of charm was added with a Typewriter-style animation using a creative workaround. While this might seem like a small detail, an annoying amount of time was spent to make it work! Since Canvas Apps don’t offer a built-in solution for this, we implemented a hidden timer on the screen. The timer starts when the AI generates output, runs for just 50 milliseconds, and automatically reruns. Each time it triggers, a new character from the AI output is displayed on the screen.

It might sound simple, but trust us—getting it just right took hours. Was it worth it? Absolutely! Just look at it—pure magic! ✨

The typewriter animation is a result from a Naaaasty Hacker

Best of both worlds – #ProCodeNoCodeUnite

Our team composition is without doubt or biggest strength. From young, up-to-date developers, to problem solving, user oriented functional consultants. This helps us see the Power User Love, and create solutions that uses heavy pro-code when needed, and magic low-code when possible. As the judges comments for ‘Pro-Code Potions’ said on Thursday: “Full stack goodness combined with low code!”.

As mentioned in earlier blog posts, the portal is created using as Svelte full-stack framework. It gets all users from Dataverse, has an AI-chat instance, and handels calls through Ctelo:

List of students (stored in Dataverse, of course), shown in the portal.

The student app is based on low-code, providing amazing charms and useful information for students on the go. Our reliable coffee based fortune telling is created using AI-builder, Power Fx and standard components. That’s what we call magic! 🪄

The model driven app for managing all things student related is totally no-code, just embracing the well of possibilities lying in Dynamics 365. With a drizzle of Power Automate on top, this provides real business value without breaking a sweat.

Super simple, but useful, model driven app

#ProCodeNoCodeUnite! 🔥Claiming Power User Love

I’m just a baby

With an average seniority of no more than 3 years in the Microsoft cloud technology sphere, we have found the Retro badge a rather tricky one. After some failed attempts, our dear, and much more experienced, judges gave us a hint – look for features that are almost depricated.

Luckily, we were in desperate need for an easy way to grade the Hogwarts’ students automatically. We therefore decided to use the nearly depricated calculated columns to solve our business need.

That’s the error message we are looking for!

We operate with a simpe passed/failed grading system – once you reach 1000 points, you pass the subject, no matter how far into the semester you are. If you don’t reach 1000 points until the end of the semester, you will fail the subject.

Total points are calculated based on performance on tests and assignments, and the grading will be fully automated
Well done Ludovicus for already passing Herbology Year 7! 🎉

The Magic of Collaboration

We’ve all experienced the magic of collaboration through Teams, and it is time that Hogwarts’ professors and students gets on the wagon.

When a professor logs in to our model driven app for student management, he will easily see which students have enrolled to his subjects. Instead of doing the time consuming job of manually creating a team in Teams and adding all enrolled student as team members, he clicks one button:

Create team? Check ✅

This triggers a cloud flow connected to Teams:

And in a few seconds, we are plugged and ready to play in Teams:

Team is created with a greeting from prof.Dumbledore himself. 🧙🏻‍♂️

Team work makes the dream work

When putting together a team for the hightlight of the year that is ACDC, we had a short, but strict, list of requirements. The team members had to be:

  1. Teamplayers
  2. Hard-working and eager to learn something new
  3. FUN!

In Evidi, we have a saying that we are “More than just tech people”, and this is true – we have a guitar player, a riding teacher, we even have a guy from Bergen (!!) in our team, and our personalities are as diverse as our skills. In spite of this, our team spirits are extremely high and we work together as one. Victories are celebrated, small as big, and we all support eachother to get the most out of this intense weekend.

The only feeling better than solving a long lasting canvas app headache, you ask? Sharing the moment with good friends, of course! 💓

Getting house points for being the first team to enter the Great Hall this morning, and likely being one of the last teams to leave tonight is other signs that we are having a blast here together, showing Remarkable Teamspirit.

How about creating a symbiosis between the magic world and muggle world through Ctelo’s quite magical telephony technology?

Let’s yet again head into our newly created, yet quite fantastic and soon to be famous portals for the students of Hogwarts. With some great help from our ringing companions at Ctelo and Azure Communication Services we have provided the opportunity for students to connect, share, network, learn together and whatever you can imagine with this service.

As a signed in student you are able to call anyone, anytime. And remember: based on everything the students go through each year, it is definitely necessary to get time for some quality 1:1 talk every now and then.

Let’s try to call the charming, but quite unstable student Orryn Duskhollow to check in:

In our mighty Svelte project we have created an acsService.ts file providing the necessary logic and handling of an ongoing call, using the packages @azure/communication-calling, @azure/communication-identity and @azure/communication-common).

In Azure, we sat the whole thing up using an Azure Communication Service instance called “cs-hogverse” and configuring direct routing with a custom domain provided by Ctelo. I guess this is just another example of how skilled developers can work together to create values even in the magic world. Or perhaps the Ctelo guys are in-closet wizards themselves?

LAN Party like it’s 1999 – When Retro Tech Saved the Day

Claim – The Retro Badge

Hackathons should have fast-paced innovation, but what happens when your cutting-edge tools turn into the ultimate roadblock? Cue the spinning loading wheel, the save errors, and the tears of frustration in my Canvas App 😭😭😭😭

Enter: the retro hero. A humble Ethernet cable.

Turns out, some tech from the late ’90s still holds up today. The Ethernet cable provided a steady connection that Wi-Fi just couldn’t match, especially in a crowded hackathon environment. It’s a good reminder: sometimes the old ways really are the best ways.

Who knew that a hackathon in 2025 would end up feeling like 1999? All we’re missing is a Tamagotchi, a box of floppy disks, and a 56k modem. Next time, maybe we’ll bring those along too.

Make communication more efficient between the magic and the muggle world

Time and time again we have witness – especially during vacations – that the might school of Hogwartz uses the most bizarre ways of coming in contact with their students. From sending cryptic letters delivered by overwhelmed owls to chaotic howlers that disturb entire households, and travelling with flying cars, the wizarding world’s methods of reaching students often result in confusion, stress, and, let’s face it, unnecessary drama.

Therefore we have added some simple functionality in the Hogverse app for teachers to easily come in contact with students through LINK Mobility’s simple, but powerful Power Automate integration. Here they can easily select student to contact and provide the message content.

In addition, the LINK Mobility SMS action is implemented in the OneFlow solution where students are assigned the “I MUST NOE LIE” contract when committing bad action during classes. In these serious cases, and SMS is sent to the student’s parents to make sure the student gets a well deserved reprimand on their homeground.