Let’s yet again head into our newly created, yet quite fantastic and soon to be famous portals for the students of Hogwarts. With some great help from our ringing companions at Ctelo and Azure Communication Services we have provided the opportunity for students to connect, share, network, learn together and whatever you can imagine with this service.

As a signed in student you are able to call anyone, anytime. And remember: based on everything the students go through each year, it is definitely necessary to get time for some quality 1:1 talk every now and then.
Let’s try to call the charming, but quite unstable student Orryn Duskhollow to check in:

In our mighty Svelte project we have created an acsService.ts file providing the necessary logic and handling of an ongoing call, using the packages @azure/communication-calling, @azure/communication-identity and @azure/communication-common).

In Azure, we sat the whole thing up using an Azure Communication Service instance called “cs-hogverse” and configuring direct routing with a custom domain provided by Ctelo. I guess this is just another example of how skilled developers can work together to create values even in the magic world. Or perhaps the Ctelo guys are in-closet wizards themselves?