What is a student portal without a dashboard that keeps track of all magical achievements at Hogwarts? A personal Marauder’s map, but for the student’s academic journey! See learned spells and potions, behavior and subject progress.
The student dashboard of our application consists of these four sections, each summarizing the students performance in that section.

This section is an up-to-date tracker for the students behavior. It fetches data from the student’s mischievements data. No mischievements? The students been a good wizard/witch!
This makes it easy to spot patterns in behavior across weekdays and quick visual comparison of mischievement frequency.
Friday seems to be a popular day for mischeivements…
A spell collection tracker. The dashboard displays the total number of mastered spells completion by providing a circular progress indicator with percentage
The current view shows 3 spells in total, with the Imperturbable Charm being the most recent addition (learned 2 hours ago). New spells automatically appear in the collection as they’re mastered.
The brewing progress tracker displays all successfully created potions. The dashboard currently shows 12 mastered potions, with the Death Potion being the most recent creation (47 minutes ago). Each potion is logged with its brewing timestamp and success status.
The academic overview section totals all achievement points across subjects.
The system logs progress from the initial enrollment date in each subject, providing a comprehensive timeline of magical education advancement. The dashboard updates in real-time, ensuring accurate tracking of all academic activities at Hogwarts.
Detail view
Each card on the dashboard can be expanded to reveal more comprehensive information about the student’s progress. For instance, when expanding the Potion section, students can view their complete potion history, including ingredients, characteristics, and effects for each potion.