Welcome to ACDC2025

The competitive spirit is electric, and you, daring challengers, have gathered to prove your skills in the grandest of arenas. Each of you brings unique talents, ready to craft solutions that push the boundaries of innovation.

The stakes are high, and the path ahead will test your resolve. You will battle bugs, conquer logic, and wield the power of the cloud to create something extraordinary. Along the way, you’ll earn badges of honor and showcase your brilliance to peers who share your unrelenting drive to excel.

But this is not merely a competition—it is an experience, a journey into a realm where innovation thrives, camaraderie blossoms, and legends are made. Prepare to be challenged, inspired, and united as part of this incredible community of like-minded creators.

So gather your courage, sharpen your skills, and embrace the thrill of the challenge.

Let the competition begin!

Welcome to the ACDC2023!

The competitive spirit will be high, and participants will be eager to earn badges and show off their skills. So, get ready to be challenged, have fun, and be a part of this incredible community of like-minded.

Let the competition begin!

Lego Challenge

Til denne oppgaven trenger du:

  • Lego
  • Målebånd


  • Bygg det høyeste tårnet du kan innen 15 min, hvor ingen brikker av samme farge treffer hverandre.
  • Alle deltakerne som ønsker å delta joiner ACDC Main kanalen og deler kamera av legobyggingen. Resten av oss følger via Youtube
  • Når tiden er ute har du 1 min på å ta bilde av tårnet med målestokk og poste på ACDC Main Channel ( Discord )
  • Challenge starter kl 21:00 i kveld og det er premie til vinneren!

Head2Head – CodeInTheDark

The Rules

  • The Challenge starts 20:30
  • One contestant per team, make sure you are prepared using the demo link bellow.
  • Each contestant receives a url to the editor, which includes a screenshot of the page they should implement with HTML/CSS and any additional assets they might need.
  • No iframes, frameworks, snippets or other assets outside of the ones listed in the instructions are allowed. The site should be built from scratch during the competition.
  • The contestant should have the editor in full screen mode, and is never allowed to exit out of it or use any measurement tools.
  • Previews of the results are strictly forbidden until the time is over.
  • Once the 15 minute timer runs out each contestant presents their result to the audience, the judges decides the winner.

Demo link: http://codeinthedark.com/editor/

Blogg eksempel

En bloggpost bør inneholde følgende:

En god beskrivelse av hva som er gjort tekst, video eller bilder/figurer. Prøv å holdet det kort og konsist og enkelt for dommerne å forstå hva som er gjort.

Sist i bloggposten skal du claime hvilke badges du mener du har oppnådd, PS: prøv å hold track på hvilke badger du har vunnet og ikke, en badge kan kun vinnes en gang. Du kan også bli tildelt flere badges enn det du claimer.