oneflow and link mobility

With this blog post we claim the oneflow and the Link Mobility sponsor badge

We also claim these badges:

Because we connect external data from oneflow to dataverse

Is only natural, given that it’s Power Automate flow that is used to orchestrate the whole thing


But this “Sharing and Caring” badge is for someone else <3


OneFlow has allowed us to create diplomas for wizards who graduate from our potions and spells program. Whenever a wizard or witch has reached the highest level, they will get a diploma signed by Dumbledore himself.

The diploma is created in Word and exported as a PDF.

We uploaded it to oneflow and created it as a contract to be signed.

We enabled the API for Power Automate Flow

Setting up the Power Automate flow to create a contact with oneflow, add a participant and then publish the contact. Then we create a new row in the Diploma custom table in Dataverse where we connect the contract to the wizard (contact).

We receive an email with the confirmation that we have received the diploma.

And the link takes us to the document

Link Mobility

Setting up the connection reference is easy

Then we add the action to send an SMS to the wizard to notify them that they have graduated!

Triggering the flow will send an SMS with the link to view the diploma!

Sharing is caring: For “Pass me a Sock”

We were too late sending information about our http endpoint to Link Mobiliy, but “Cooky at “Pass me a sock” came to our rescue, and shared their credentials with us. Without them we wouldn’t have been able to set up the connection and successfully send SMS’s. Thank you Cooky! Sharing really is caring <3

Oneflow Sponsor Badge

🪄 From Parchment Chaos to Magical Efficiency

Gone are the days when owls cluttered the Great Hall delivering admission contracts! We’ve enchanted the whole process using Power Automate (think modern-day Charm work) and OneFlow (a spell so powerful, even Hermione would approve).

Our magical workflow:
• Auto-dispatches contracts faster than a Nimbus 2000
• Tracks signatures with the precision of the Marauder’s Map
• Sends confirmation owls (emails) that would make Hedwig proud

Now Muggle parents can sign from their “mobile devices” (fascinating contraptions), while Professor McGonagall tracks everything from her enchanted dashboard. The whole system runs smoother than a well-brewed Felix Felicis!

P.S. – The Weasley twins tried to hack it. They failed. That’s how secure it is! 🔒

The Digital Scroll Interface – Where Muggle Tech Meets Magic


One of the amazing sponsors for ACDC 2025 is ctelo

With this blog post we are claiming the sponsor badge for ctelo

We have set up their solution for Teams Telephony using their fantastic step by step guide.

The result when this is fully set up is that we now have the ability to call each other within Teams directly with our phone numbers, as demonstrated here where the Dumbledore (System Administrator) is calling Ulrikke Potter in Teams by entering her phone number,

Setup in Azure for domain:

Setting up direct routing

Setting up the phone number for the user

We Love our Sponsors

Our solution would not be possible wihtout the hard work and dedication of our sponsors solutions, enabling magical abilities we would not be able to reproduce and transforming our solutions with wizardy love.

Link Mobility

Our first process is to send an Owl with the letter to invite prospective wizards and witches to their school. If the wizard is an area which doesn’t have good owl coverage, due to extreme weather conditions, muggle political infighting or just too far away, we send them a text with their invite

This is done via Link Mobility in Power Automate, utilising their API to send out an invite to our Static Web App Portal.

This is received by prospective sorcerors as a text message


Once the prospective candidate has filled out their details and qualified for the next stage, we need to get agreement from their parents or guardians to allow them to attend wizarding school, and ensure they agree to go to diagon alley to get the wizarding items to prepare the new wizard for school.

This is enabled by the Contract templates and capablities of Oneflow solution.

Firstly we set up a template, then using their API, create a contract based on that template. and sent to the parent of the prospective students.

The parents then get to sign in to Oneflow to enter their details as well as the students and confirm they agree to the terms, all seamless!


For Resco, we had an abundance of choice to use their PCF components. This control bring usability to the platform easily.

We embedded the multi attachment uploader into our applicaiton process, allowing uploading of many documents all at once in an easy and user friendly manner.

PCF Gallery

Finally, not content with just those 3, we have used a PCF control from the PCF Gallery. This control is a Tag Picker, which allows quick and easy association and disassociation of records via the many to many relationship.

We used this to allow a simple, user-friendly process to associate characteristics to our potential sorcerors.

LinkMobility & Logiquill Love story

We love to get this challenge from the sponsors! And with getting to know those, we got an immediate idea. Kudos to @linkmobility!  

Given our workflow, Wayfinder academy offers a Logiquill portal. That portal is used to make an application, upload some documents, schedule and run an interview, and all of that is used to allocate a student to the new faculty. Once that it done, we still believe there is a huge asset in all of that information and therefore, we want to use it further to follow up the student in his or her integration/adaptation journey.  

We store all the data in Sharepoint (we love it!) and also set up some automated workflows (we describe it in the different artcle). 

There are several things we do, and one of those is personalized sms.  

As a notification service our platform uses Link Mobility for sending sms messages to the students with some daily reminders, encouragement, motivation, tips and tricks (based on all the info we collected about the student). For this purpose, we are using an Azure function that receives message and the number of students. 

Our Azure function is written in C# and has a Http triggered function that receives the data necessary for sending sms messages. Link Mobility uses Basic and Oauth2 authentication, and we used the last one is it is more secure and reliable.  

In addition we will make time triggered function, that has own schedule, and will refine all records of the students that are stored in sharepoint.  

If you are also wanting to use this wonderful and easy to use API in addition to the username and password you need also to specify correct Uri, PlatformId and PlatformPartnerId. 


platformPartnerId = “lHGdgewX” 

The most simple message look like this: 

In documentation to Link Mobile API we found these Urls: 

So, we were the first one to try and it was successful 😊 

As an addition we will try to receive a delivery reports. The delivery report Uri also could be configured in the message as a property 

“deliveryReportGates”: [“{our response URL}”]