Thieving Ssslytherins on a stairway to HELL

Thieving bastards

As true Slytherins we of course have to steal, and steal we did!

  • ngrok
    We used third party ngrok to expose our local endpoint our local development server to the Internet!
  • SASS + REACT = <3
    Clever clogs utilize existing frameworks for simplifying styling: Sass – CSS with superpowers in combination with React makes a perfect match.
  • Link Mobility
    It’s good to know that your message has been delivered. Therefore you get a confirmation when your message has been delivered to the Howler!

Stairway to HELL

In our solution we combine these three Cloud APIs to make our solution floooow through the cloud!

  • Azure Speech Services through SpeechSDK
  • Azure OpenAI API
  • Dataverse Web-API