Pirates 365 is a complete HR and recruitment system we believe provide the most extreme business value
Our value proposition concists of multiple elements
Cost savings by not needing external pirate recruiters 🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙
More pirates will apply for job as a pirate when the Pirate Recruitment Terminal is deployed. With sounds, fancy 3D animations and a fun theme the pirates. A typically Pirate Consultancy wants to hire 50 pirate a year, and if external recruiters are needed the cost for each new employment is around 1000 gold coins which gives cost savings
Estimated cost savings: 1000 gold coins x 50 employments = 50 000 gold coins each years
Smaller recruitment team and IT staff needed 🪙🪙
Since the recruitment proccess is now fully automated it is possible to have a smaller recruitment team
2 less recruitment and IT staff needed with 10 000 gold coins in payment = 20 000 gold coins saved
Better screening of candidates 🪙🪙
The Pirate Recruitment Terminal have several features that attract the “right” pirates – easily scared pirates can be rejected
It is known that recruiting the wrong candidates have i high cost, and if this system avoids two bad candidates which is estimated to cost 10 000 gold coins each 20 000 gold coins is saved
Better pirate training -> more plunder and theft 🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙
With better pirate training through the pirate simulator it is belived that the pirates is able to find more threasures and plunder more
An ordinary pirate organisation plunder for 500 000 gold coins each tear, and with an estimated 10% increase 50 000 more gold coins are earned
Avoiding very very expensive GDPR fines 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
With automated handling of recruitment, onboarding and offboarding process Pirates 365 ensures that the Pirate organisation comply to all the Pirate GDPR regulations. User accounts are deleted automatically when pirates are offboarded – ensuring no personal information is left in the system.
Estimated value: priceless
With all these value propositions a pirate ortganisation is believed to have a value if 140 000 gold coins