“Enable your portal as a Progressive WebApp (PWA)” is a preview feature that will go GA in February 2022. This is pretty hipster.

When Portal is enabled as a PWA it can be published to Google Play and Microsoft Store and be used as a native app on mobile devices

Enabling the portal as a progressive webapp means that users will experience it as a mobile app on their phone. It can also be packaged and uploaded to Microsoft Store and Android Google Play.
We want the end user to have a mobile app on their phone where they can see what kind of agreement they currently have, look at reports on their agreement history and see forecast on what their price will be in the future.
Enabling PWA
Microsoft documentation here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/portals/build-progressive-web-apps
Open make.preview.powerapps.com
Identity the portal and click the element menu. Click “Edit”

This will open up Power Apps Portals Design Studio.
When it has worked a little while it’s good to go.

So “preview” that it doesn’t work..
We wanted to upload the app to Microsoft Store and Google Play so users can have it as a native app on their mobile device. This is proving difficult, and it’s apparent when working in the PWA Builder that things are not quite ready..