PT Brixters have made a conductor portal in react.js that is fully responsive and user friendly !
The Portal is made in React therefore we are claiming the “Client Side Salsa” badge for this.

The Portal also uses 2 module apps to show the train live video feed and a train controller where the train controller uses to communicate from the frontend to the backend, therefore we are claiming the “Right Now Badge” for this.

We are also claiming the “Glossy Pixels Badge”

for the conductor portal because the portal looks shiny, is easy to read (big text, big buttons). And its responsive, works on mobile devices also, therefore we are also claiming the “Chameleon Badge”

And we wanted to show of our old Dashboard that is now upgraded to the new one 😀

Some pictures of with flask in action for the “Right now badge”:

Picture of VS Code as proof that we are using React to build our app.