PCF plugin component developed in react – deployed into a PowerApp (model driven app)
Re-read the old post at PCF + React + Pizza = Great user experience | Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge Submissions (acdc.blog)
The PCF component written for a model driven app is a fully integrated application running on React. PCF components in Model Driven Apps are fully isolated apps that can run complex operations that are not directly related to dynamics. In this case it retrieved map information from API and shows distance and est delivery time based on location.

The search bar on top interacts with googles live address search API.
Once the search is complete, the address is written to the Model Driven app that hosts the PCF React application.
Need to figure out the time it takes for pizza to be deliverd to your work place from any pizza place, we can easily take the React component and re-build as an office add-in, teams add-in – anything you want add-in. And you are just a click away from knowing how long it takes before it’s here!
Pizza Time ordering app

Power Apps ordering app within teams that gives access to easy pizza ordering. The app is fully functional for pizza ordering operations.
Pizza Time Ordering Chat bot
Fully integrated ordering solution for pizzas with the use of a chat bot integrated in Teams

Giving customers easy options for ordering is key for selling more Pizza.