Time and time again we have witness – especially during vacations – that the might school of Hogwartz uses the most bizarre ways of coming in contact with their students. From sending cryptic letters delivered by overwhelmed owls to chaotic howlers that disturb entire households, and travelling with flying cars, the wizarding world’s methods of reaching students often result in confusion, stress, and, let’s face it, unnecessary drama.
Therefore we have added some simple functionality in the Hogverse app for teachers to easily come in contact with students through LINK Mobility’s simple, but powerful Power Automate integration. Here they can easily select student to contact and provide the message content.

In addition, the LINK Mobility SMS action is implemented in the OneFlow solution where students are assigned the “I MUST NOE LIE” contract when committing bad action during classes. In these serious cases, and SMS is sent to the student’s parents to make sure the student gets a well deserved reprimand on their homeground.