The Midnight Oil Burns Bright

As the clock strikes 11:30 PM at the ACDC Hackathon, most would expect energy levels to dwindle and motivation to fade. Yet, within the confines of our workspace, the ambiance tells a different story—a tale of unwavering determination and remarkable team spirit that defies the late hour. This post is a testament to our journey, not just towards developing an innovative solution, but in pursuit of two distinct badges: “Remarkable Team Spirit” and “Thieving Bastards,” each emblematic of our ethos and strategy.

Remarkable Team Spirit

In the shadowy hours of the hackathon, when most are battling the weight of exhaustion, our team’s spirit only seems to amplify. It’s 11:30 PM, yet the air is electric with enthusiasm, a clear contender for the “Remarkable Team Spirit” badge. This extraordinary energy isn’t accidental but the result of our collective resolve to support, motivate, and inspire each other relentlessly.

How do we keep this spirit alive? It begins with recognizing each member’s contributions, celebrating small victories, and maintaining a culture of positivity and resilience. Music, laughter, and occasional breaks rejuvenate our minds, ensuring we stay motivated and focused. Our secret sauce? A shared vision that transcends individual goals, binding us in the pursuit of excellence.

Leveraging Legacy: Thieving Bastards

Transitioning from the vibrancy of our team dynamics, our journey also embraces the essence of the “Thieving Bastards” badge—our strategic decision to integrate third-party solutions into our project. Tasked with creating a game reminiscent of the iconic Super Mario, we initially grappled with the complexity of game logic and mechanics. The breakthrough came when we decided to not reinvent the wheel but to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Enter Phaser—a third-party library for React that became our game-changer. Phaser offered us a treasure trove of pre-defined game mechanics that we could employ out of the box, significantly accelerating our development process. This strategic move underscored the importance of leveraging existing tools and APIs, allowing us to focus on innovation and creativity rather than getting bogged down by the nitty-gritty of game development mechanics.



Hei bloggen!

We want to show of our amazing outfits and Remarkable Teamspirit! Not only do we save time by wearing our dungarees everyday, we feel the Mario spirit and we look amazing. We bought them second hand and decorated them together.

sweip up for 20% on pipes

#spons #pipesforlife #dungarees

Koopa’s AI Challenge

Are you a noob in using AI for work, school or other everyday tasks?

During the hackathon, we will develop a gamified training app for AI newcomers, focusing on engaging users with retro-style graphics and playful animations. The app will feature interactive tutorials on AI tools like CoPilot and image generation, incorporating a competitive game element for users to score points, while ensuring learning effectiveness remains paramount. We’ll leverage a React front-end with Azure and Dataverse back-end to manage course progression and user data.

Core objective

Our core objectives are to create an immersive and enjoyable learning platform that demystifies AI for beginners through gamification. We aim to build a comprehensive educational experience that not only teaches the fundamental concepts of AI but also provides hands-on experience with practical applications in the Microsoft suite. Our goal is to foster a competitive yet educational environment where users are incentivized to deepen their understanding of AI tools, promoting both individual learning and collaborative competition. Ultimately, we strive to produce a product that is accessible, engaging, and continuously adaptable to the evolving landscape of AI technology.

The style of the game will be a retro super mario theme, where the user will be able to move between objects aka challenges and interact with them. Each challenge the user encounter, will give point if they manage to finish it. While moving in the platform world, the user will also be prompted with basic AI knowledge, to learn and understand how to interact with it. Challenges will both be in-game interactive experiences and out-of-game tasks like using copilot within the Microsoft environment.

Solution details

  • Power page for hosting the game
  • PCF component for the actual game
  • Dataverse tables for storage – Challenges, Users, Progression
  • Model driven app for administration of data
  • Power BI reports for easy data insight

Early delivery

Until 12:00 pm on thursday, Pzl Plumbers has gotten their environment up and running, implementing tables into dataverse that will store the information about users, their points and information regarding the challenges. Power platform pipelines are also configured to our three ALM enviroments (dev, uat, prod). Devops projects has been created for code repos and task management.

They have had some minor struggles with setting up the PCF component for the game, which will be implemented within their Power Page, but its coming along and the team spirit keeps shining as always!

A New Mario Rises

First Come, First Served: Fastest Customer Service Portal on the Internet 

Power Pages Customer Self-Service revolutionizes the creation of self-service portals, emphasizing incredible speed without sacrificing quality. It took less than 1 hour to create our portal thanks to pre-built templates. This rapid deployment ensures that companies can swiftly build portals for their customers  


We will be building;
Canvas App for registering agents
Model Driven App for monitoring and managing processes
Power Pages for case creation for customers

We have a magical portal but even magic requires maintenance and improvement 

Our next steps involve customizing this customer service for our maintenance company by adding a Mario theme, more options for case creation, and even a live chat supported by AI—all for our princesses in need of a Mario’s help. 

Behind every great portal there’s a great admin center 

When you’ve gained momentum, seize the opportunity. We’ve developed the customer portal, but what about our Marios? We plan to leverage a model-driven app to establish an admin center for them. This platform will enable them to review their cases, with AI dynamically assigning Marios to cases by evaluating the case’s complexity and each Mario’s skill level. 

Even Mario needs a make up 

Are your case forms look too dull? Do you wish to spice things up a bit? We’ve got an AI-supported solution just for you. Each Mario has an AI-generated avatar and backstory. Our princesses can finally see a visual representation of their assigned Mario. 

Return of the Clippy 

Before ChatGPT, there was Clippy. While the community was excited about AI, Clippy was getting an upgrade. He returned stronger, faster, and better. By using PCF controls, we will integrate Clippy into our app, making him even more helpful than before. 

Hey there, digital adventurers! Ever found yourself lost in the endless expanse of the dataverse, wishing you had a trusty sidekick? Well, guess what? A ChatGPT-powered Clippy is just the hero you need!

Mushroom Baklava driven Development 

How will we accomplish all this in just three days? Our team needed some extra motivation. An unnamed member of our team brought some Turkish desserts for us. Whenever we earn a badge, we also get to savor a piece of delicious baklava. Other teams are welcome to try this delicacy; it’s first come, first served. 

Remarkable team spirit

Since we first set foot on board, th’ atmosphere at Pirates o’ th’ CaribIN be nothin’ short of grand. We arrived on Thursday mornin’ and got everything set up, and since then we’ve been havin’ a blast! We’ve printed everything from pirate ships to gold doubloons, and we’ve lent a hand to our neighbors and gotten help in return. Here be two snaps that show off our mighty fine team spirit. First day, and mornin’ of th’ third day. We were up late last night makin’ improvements to our PoS system, ye scallywags!

A jolly group of pirate trackers
We were having a blast last night. Our work space shows it well

If it wasn’t for the team, then what would we be?

To keep up the energy and team-feeling throughout the day, we really need to make an efford together. No one should feel left behind and everyone is included. For us, we have done this by dressing the same way, make sure everyone always have something to drink (either with or without the fun in it). And, we have played music all night to make most of stay up late to work with the solution and to give all the other team-members still here at 3am to have as much fun as they can! 🙂