By using this external API we got some spells professor Snape had hidden in the restricted section of the library! By this we add business value to our existing data by enriching the our dataset with Publicly available sources that consist of spells in the Harry Potter universe and therefore adding business value to our solution. And by that claiming the Dataminer Badge.

This is the magical world, where managing Quidditch teams, tracking player stats, and keeping an eye on team standings feels as easy as casting spells. That’s right, we have embedded a Power BI dashboard in our model driven admin app. Because even in the wizarding world, data visualization is essential. The reason for this is for the administrators of the app to have the opportunity of sending out news and stats to the app users.
It’s like having the Marauder’s Map, but for data – every player, team, and stat laid out in beautiful charts and graphs. And the best part? I don’t even have to say “Alohomora” to unlock the insights. They’re just… there.
Sponsor Badge (Resco)
We’ve implemented the Component for Date Handling in our Quidditch league management solution to track match dates and time slots with precision. Managing the league’s schedule is no easy task—without a proper system, it could turn into a scheduling dementor! By integrating this component into our form, we’ve ensured seamless date selection, reducing manual errors and making it easier for team captains and event organizers to stay on top of their game. The component helps maintain data integrity across Dataverse, ensuring all match details align like a well-cast Alohomoracharm—unlocking efficient workflows and automated reminders. With this magical addition, the league runs smoother than a Nimbus 2000, making it worthy of the badge