Our OwlExpress solution needs to get the list of possible future wizards from a different set of data sources. We are merging these data into a PowerBI report so that the segmentation can be easily done using the slicers in a more intuitive way.
This Report is integrated into an MDA using a PCF control that House Elves Limited created that can save the segment chosen by the user using the Export Segment command.
This will trigger a Power Automate flow that will create the applications for all future students of the chosen segment.
To integrate the PowerBI report the following API’s are being consumed:
- https://api.powerbi.com/
- https://login.microsoftonline.com/
- also, Power Automate is part of the same process (which might help the creators reach Heaven)

The PCF component has been developed using Test Driven Development and Storybook which allows you to fail fast and often and reach success faster.
The component is a react/virtual component, which simplifies a lot the separation of concerns into different components.

The code has been structured using the best practices for PCF components. We are using a Solution Project to simplify the build of the Solution that contains the component.
To standardize the build and deployment process and to ensure that the PCF Version is always kept in sync with the containing Solution version a couple of PowerShell scripts have been written. This helps also with the Azure DevOps pipelines because these can be simplified to execute the exact scripts that the developer executes on their machine.