Kreecher, I don’t even know where to begin. This technology is deeply concerning. What if a dark wizard was to reverse it and use it to hunt and identify innocent wizarding children? And with no human oversight at all??? Remove this from the platform immediately!!!
Argus Diggory
CEO, House Elves Limited
————— Original Message —————
From: Argus Diggory []
Sent: 23.01.2025 15:57
To: Kreecher []
Subject: Promising New Platform Feature
Master Argus,
My team have been very productive this sprint with this new muggle technology of “AI Prompts” for our OwlExpress service. We are delighted to have now produced a prompt that can help to categorise wizards based on their history of magical activity.

We have tested this extensively and can see some excellent resuts, therefore allowing us to automatically tag activities we have collected about young wizarding children in Dataverse with the appropriate rating value:

I’m sure, dear master Argus, you will be most pleased at this opportunity to automatically decide the fate of young wizarding children across the globe, with little or no human oversight required.
Awaiting your feedback