OwlExpress is delighted to partner with two excellent Muggle based services, to provide additional value to our solution:
- Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF): Muggles are particularly ingenious with their homes, having all manner of different addresses, which can make it challenging to dispatch an Owl to the correct location. The benefits of using the PAF file* is that our solution can always validate and check that we have the correct address – including details such as house name, street, postcode, town / city and more. Our solution can frequently validate against PAF, to ensure your Owl never misses a delivery and can cope with the latest crazy concoctions that Muggles put in place for their homes.

- MSN Weather Connector: Muggles claim to be able to accurately predict the weather, and their claim in this area cannot be disputed. A potentially bad weather event could cause severe difficulties for your Owl deliveries, including potential harm or loss of life. Our solution can proactively check against current weather forecasts and, if there is a high risk of potential bad weather, ensure that the Owl delivery is postponed to a later date. What’s more, we can bring in Artificial Intelligence capabilities to automate the evaluation and decision process here, using a clean and effective system prompt.

Rest assured, House Elves Limited follows stringent Obliviate processes when dealing with Muggle personnel from these companies, so you can be assured that we are fully compliant with the International Statute of Secrecy
*Data sample used for this exercise, strictly for testing and evaluation purposes.
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