It sure is nice to have a good chill around a cozy campfire, late in the evening when the sky is dark. Early in the year, while the snow is still out. Up here at Soria Moria we have created our own cozy little camp, even though no fires will be allowed in the work areas. We bring laughter, joy, jelly beans, cool outfits and gadgets. Candy, outfits and gadgets are obvious and they obviously make a good campsite.
What about Miss Dolores Umbridge from yesterday Thursday and sunday, anyone remember her? She has been spotted entering the train at Platform 9 3/4 along with two students.

And what camp would be complete without a couple of muggles to make fun of?

Plastic fantastic and everything is toys and lego. And trains. Who doesn’t love trains? I know everyone wearing a Platform 9 3/4-lanyard does!

One thing we definitely know that every participant in any sports or competition likes is getting a little help when times look rough. Working in the IT industry we all know that it’s all about the amount of information and knowledge we can deliver together that is our value, not any one single person. So why not ask – and why not give each other a hand when you run into problems you haven’t faced before?
Last week I ran into a problem I had not faced before. I did however face fear when I saw I didn’t have a single ACDC-competitor around me to ask (yet). My problem was that I needed to have an app I was running locally to be available with an online endpoint. Little did I know that my peers could draw from my knowledge already this week! Judges – you said that team SlytherIN should put their API online for anyone to view. But they built their API to have the host machine serve the sound that was computed by their API. Well what do you know – my solution last week was theirs this week.
With the help of ngrok the team was able to set up a public URL that anyone with a internet connection and reach, causing code to run in their local machine. Lucky for me they were gratious and polite aswell. New friends! Yay!

Nothing makes for a better camp than hanging out with friends, dressed up, with toys all around. Except making more friends while you’re at it!