I remember learning about Elasticsearch for the first time. I still don’t know it.
But I do know how to make a algorithm. And I do know how to use OpenAI. I’ve made embeddings before, but never did I think to try and find an animal based on your own photo.
In our MagicMirror you can send your son or daughter when they start Hogwarts. Not sure which school animal they want to keep? No problem! We’ve got you covered. Evaluating you we can find the animal that will suit you best. But if you’re not happy, no worries! Our algorithm isn’t 100% deterministic, so let it do a second rating and see if you get the same or again or if you indeed should have been with another animal.

This is the part of our solution I am talking about right now. It is the part where you step into the mirror, some code is ran – and voilĂ – you have found your companion for the coming years.
What a way to search huh? Using your own image?
Where do we find the animals to pair you with?
Naturally, our solution can’t know of real(magical)-life animals. It can only know what we tell it exists. Therefore we have integrated with a database from https://harrypotter.fandom.com. It finds the animals, and we pair that data up with animal-illustrations coming from a wide range of websites (gifs). This way you can even see your own little one moving around the screen there with you.