We built a web-based platform that lets you chat with a custom Copilot that knows everything about plumbing – PlumbBot. The Copilot is created with Copilot Studio and integrated in our Power Pages app as a part of our Plumber as a Service (PLaaS), and it rocks two of the hackathon badges: Crawler and Hipster.
Crawler: Using search in an awesome way
The Copilot has a huge knowledge base on plumbing. By providing domain knowledge of plumbing and practical plumbing solutions through files like PDFs or other text documents (as well as authenticated, private resources). By embedding the documents, Copilot uses vector search to find relevant paragraphs for grounding the Copilot, as well as providing helpful references for more in-depth details.

Dataminer: strategic use of external data to enrich our solution’s business value
By enhancing our knowledge base with specialized PDF documents on plumbing, we’ve not just enriched our repository—we’ve transformed it. This approach not only solves practical business problems by making specialized knowledge readily accessible but also adds significant value to our existing data.
Moreover, the trainee can iteratively ask for details for each step for more detailed explanations and specifics regarding plumbing tools or plumbing terminology, directly on the Member’s homepage.

Hipster: Using the hip tech in a safe way
To make sure we could trust the advice given by our PlumbBot, we only allow it to use Generative AI when triggered with highly specific plumbing terminology or words related to plumbing issues. Moreover dynamic chaining is disabled to limit any misleading information from other, unverified connections:

But most importantly, by default, Copilot locks high content moderation to uploaded files as shown above. This makes sure the Copilot is grounded when prompted and will not answer to request out of its scope and knowledge domain.
Moreover, when attempting to force the PlumbBot to give misleading answers or create unrealistic scenarios (e.g. not having a main water valve to the building) for plumbing issues, it continues to only use the grounding, domain specific documents provided for the PlumbBot. While iteratively attempting to mislead it, it remains true to the knowledge base due to the scoping of the bot.
As this is super hip tech, the MS Doc is slightly misleading.

It says you can create add a Custom Copilot in the new Power Pages studio, while the link refers to the legacy studio, as the new studio doesn’t properly support it:

But that doesn’t stop us from using bleeding edge technology for providing customer and business value, with user privacy!
The hipster part was a bit vague… we need more details on the privacy/security part implementation – and M365 auth is vanilla and not hipster in 2024.
Thanks for the discussion and clearing up the objective – We updated the blog post to provide some more details on our governance approaches for our beloved PlumbBot!