- Oneflow
- Embedding numbnut
- Go with the flow
Our modernized learning path for our students, makes it easier for us to track mischief. If they use our Dobby bot and ask for a uspisicous spell or potion, we as teachers would like to know. We wouldn’t risk a to develop an evil wizard again would we.
We are able to track these mischievs in our solution, but we also want the students to take accountability.
That’s where Oneflow came to the rescue. Its seamless integration with Dynamics allowed us to manage mischievement contracts directly within our solution. Students can now sign their “I must not tell lies” agreements with ease, and we can monitor every step—from creation to completion—all in one place.

The contract gets created in Power Automate containing the student’s full name, and is dynamically mapped to the mischief record and sent to the student.

When the student sign the contract, we can automate our solution by utilizing the powerful OneFlow trigger to update the Mischievement status to “Resolved”.