Harry Potter APIs
For our Hogverse solution, we’re tapping into multiple HP open APIs as our database for potions, spells, spell books, and more. This approach is brilliant because it eliminates the need to maintain our own database, ensuring our app is always updated with the latest magical content, staying in sync with the rest of the wizarding world! ✨📚
Stolen the wand cursor from the event committee themselves
We are of course so sorry for stealing this for the good people who have made this hackathon possible. Stealing an idea hurts more—it’s like swiping someone’s spark, not just their stuff!
However, we could resist adding something so fun and magical to our portal.

Large design code from The Golden Snitches
Also, got our hands on a Canvas App code for The Golden Snitches. It is a real art to create visual pleasing and responsive design. The code snippet for a whole screen with multiple vertical and horizontal containers, shadows, glossy containers, shadow boxes, HTML controlls – eeeeverything.
With this code be stole some very useful tricks to create our responsive and eye pleasing design in our canvas app here.