Let’s be honest—Harry and Ron wouldn’t have made it through their years at Hogwarts without Hermione. Her knowledge of spells and magical theory saved the day more times than we can count. But let’s not forget, it’s not just about knowing the spell—it’s about saying it correctly too.
Here comes the KnowItAll chat available to all students at Hogwarts. Now everyone can have their own Hermione at hand in desperate, and not so desperate times.

We have utilized the Azure OpenAI endpoint to deliver the user’s message to the “magificial” Hermione, and sending the response through to the Azure AI Text to Speech model. The speech model provides the voice returned to the canvas app, in a British lady-like, Hermione voice. Explained more in detailed here.
While a lot already work, we reeeeeally wanted to get audio in the Canvas App so that the user was told how to pronounce the spells. However, we must admit our defeat and we haven’t made it work. Maybe if the Hackathon was a little bit longer…