The Team Who Must Not Be Named is claiming the Early Delivery Badge!
We are planning to create a modernized intranet to assist Hogwarts students with onboarding, occasional questions, finding information, and making their day faster and easier. We have named our intranet ‘HogWorkplace’. HogWorkplace will be a visual map where students can easily navigate and find the information they seek at Hogwarts. This is important because it can be challenging for new students to find information, as it is displayed in various areas. Our group has experienced difficulties finding information, especially during the onboarding period when joining our company, which is why we believe information should be gathered quickly and effectively. HogWorkplace will have several navigation points, including the Room of Requirement, Hogwarts Library, and the Great Hall.

The Room of Requirement is a place where students can book a reading/study space and also reserve equipment they may need. The Hogwarts Library is where students can find information such as suitable books for their magic courses, blog posts, written articles, or recordings of classes. In the Hogwarts Library, users also have a ‘Restricted section’ where students have their own personal space for their ToDo’s for the day, Planner for the days ahead, or OneNotes containing their class notes. The Great Hall is where students can find the daily lunch menu for today and the week ahead. Navigating around can sometimes be difficult to find the specific places where the information is gathered. Perhaps there is a special tool that can help with that?
With the evolution of AI and especially Copilot, we have decided to incorporate Copilot into our solutions. We will be using Copilot Studio to create our AI. However, we needed a mascot for our helpful AI… but who should it be?
House elves are commonly used in families as helpful creatures that assist with chores or other needs. We have decided to honor the work they do by choosing one of them as a mascot for our intranet. HogWorkplace introduces the AI ‘DobbAI’, a tribute to the free elf, Dobby. DobbAI will help students with navigation, questions, or other needs they may have. DobbAI can obtain information by students prompting questions to it. It can also write to your local apps like OneNote, ToDo, or Planner if you ask DobbAI to create daily reminders or notes, which will be placed in the restricted section of the Hogwarts Library.

The grind never stops 💪 starting up early to claim the morning glory badge 😴

Team Who Must Not Be Named is claiming the Remarkable Teamspirit badge