One of the standout features of our solution is its ability to interact directly with APIs. The beauty of the solution lies in its simplicity—no complex setup required. You can communicate with the Sorting Hat using nothing more than text input. Right now, you can interact with the solution through the Hat itself, but it doesn’t stop there. You can also access it through your phone, Sorting Hat integrates seamlessly with tools like Microsoft Teams, bringing the power of intelligent communication right into your workspace.
Thanks to an iframe integration, you can embed the Sorting Hat interface directly into your website or application. Our partners at LogiqApps have already implemented this solution with impressive results, using it to enhance their user experience and streamline communication on their platform.
While the most user-friendly options are accessible through the Hat, phone, and integrations like Teams or iframes, sometimes you need a more technical approach. For those who like to dive into the guts of the system or if you’re facing a more urgent need, you can communicate directly with Sorting Hat through Postman. This might seem like a step back in terms of convenience, but it’s a testament to the flexibility of the solution.